Chapter 33

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Still Jessica's P.O.V

"Baby, Let's eat ice cream. Sorry for making you jealous." She looks at me, her eyes is full of guilt. I hate the way I made her feel guilty, horrible and jealous because of me.

"Sure, I miss our ice cream moment. I will just talk so Seol." I said before calling Seolhyun to go here in our table.

"Do you need anything, Mrs. Kim?" Seolhyun said smiling at me and my wife.

"Do I have any schedule for this day?" I asked to make sure if I can eat ice cream with my Taengoo. She checks her lists and search for it carefully.

"There's none, Mrs. Kim. But you have a lunch meeting with the CEO of Coridel Ent. tomorrow. That's the only schedule you have for this week, Mrs. Kim." Tyler?? what will we talk about?

"Okay, Seolhyun. We're just going home early. Call me if there's anything I need to do." Taeyeon grab my purse and hand again before going inside the car.

"As usual, Baby?" I know what she is talking about so I agreed since I miss going out with her.

I turned on the radio to listen some music while we're on the road. The song that was playing titled "Time Spent Walking through Memories." Taengoo starts singing along to the song. It fits her voice well. I love it so much.

"We're here, Sooyeon." She park the car infront of the store "Baskin Robbins" Her favorite ice cream store. We get outside as people starts looking at us. We walk inside the store and order our favorite flavor of ice cream.

We sat at the empty seats and wait for our orders. Next to our table was group of 4 men looking at us?? smirking?? Psh, perverts.

"Baby, you want to seat to the other seats?" I asked her, it's getting uncomfortable here. And I saw she's looking at those men while smirking. Oh no! this is not good. Taeyeon's smirk had 3 meanings. One is when her pervert mind was activated. Second, When she's teasing me or us. And last is when she will do something to someone physically or mentally.

I can't read her expression right now, she's still glaring while smirking at the men beside our table.

Then the man whistles looking at...... My legs? Gosh, why did I chose to wear a skirt today. But I'm Jessica Jung before Kim Sooyeon, so let me show her some bitchy attitude. *smirked* I saw Taengoo looking at me, like signalling me and I catch it real quick.

"Show them the Jessica Jung I've known for years, Baby." She whispered at me. I look around and noticed there's only 3 seats occupied including ours and the pervert men.

No one's P.O.V

"You're so sexy, miss." His hand was on Jessica's legs going up but he's too slow. Jessica grab his hand and she twirled the guy's arm into his back. The guy groaned in pain from his arm.

"You mess with the wrong person, Ajhussi." Jessica smirked before she released the guy that sat again into their table.

"Sometimes ajhussi, you need to stop your balls to live longer." Taeyeon who's now eating the ice cream in a calm way said not looking at them.

"And also, don't mess with my wife or I'm the one who will kill you." Taeyeon looks at them furiously.

"S-sorry, Miss." The 4 men leave the store quickly.

"It's been a long time since I saw you fight that way, Sooyeon." Taeyeon smack her lips into hers.

"It's not a fight, Taengoo." Jessica said and they both continue eating.


"Hurry up, I don't want her to be harassed again." Taeyeon was talking someone on her phone.

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