Chapter 29

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After lunch

Taeyeon and Jessica park their car before going inside Sooyoung's restaurant. They saw Yoona and Seohyun there.

"Unnieeee!!!" Yoona shouts as she hug Jessica tight.

"I miss you so much, Sica unnie." Yoona didn't break the hug

"I miss you too, Yoongie."

"Ehem." Taeyeon tried to break the hug between the two.

"It's not like my wife was the only one here." Taeyeon scoffed and crossed her arms.

"Oh, sorry unnie." Yoona smiled and hugs Taeyeon tightly.

"Can't... Breathe, Yoong." Taeyeon's getting pale at the tight hug.

"You deserve it, Taengoo." Jessica chuckled as she hugs Seohyun, their little babyyyy.

"I miss you, seobabyyy." Jessica showers Seohyun with kisses in her cheeks.

"Unnieee, stoppp!" Seohyun whined, she really hates getting showered with kisses.

"Let's go inside, others might be waiting for us." They went inside as the couples walk hand in hand.

"As usual, the late couples." Hyoyeon said while playing with Nicole's hand.

"Oh, Nicole. You're here." Jessica hugs her cousin.

"Hyoyeon insisting me to come with her, Unnie." Nicole returns the hug.

Sooyoung and Yoona looks at each other planning to do something then they shout.

"Group hug!!!" As always they put Taeyeon in the middle and Nicole joined them too.

They ordered some snack to eat and they start to catch up about things since TaengSic left.

"Guys, Appa wants you to come with us the day after tomorrow." Jessica suddenly brings up the topic.

"Really? Where?" Tiffany's eyesmile revealed.

"Our province, Kasper was here too." Jessica said. The others was startled.

"Really?" Sooyoung

"I thought he'll stay in Amsterdam?" Hyoyeon

"Appa wants Kasper to come here to join us like a reunion, that's why." Taeyeon joined.

"About Kasper, Are you sure you're not related to each other, Jessi? He seems to resemble you and his cold aura was same to yours." Tiffany curiously asked made them agree at what she said. Except for Jessica who don't know and for Taeyeon who looks at Jessica to see if she knew about it. Their friends don't know about it because Taeyeon hid it well.

"No. He's just my bodyguard I guess. Many people also thought about our relationship because of our auras." They just nod and they continue a little chitchat until it gets dark and gets home.


"We're home!!" Jessica shouts after they both put their shoes on the shoe rack. Krystal and Kasper walks out the kitchen with plates of foods in their hands.

"Oh unnie, you're home." They greet each other.

"Sooyeon, come eat dinner." Mr and Mrs. Jung comes out and they all seat in the same place last night.

"Kasper oppa, When will you come back to Amsterdam?" Krystal suddenly speaks while eating.

"Maybe after I've done what I have to do here." Kasper smiled at Krystal before looking at Jessica who's busy giggling with Taeyeon.

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