Chapter 02

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Taeyeon was driving when she felt some light snore beside her and saw Jessica was sleeping cutely.

So cute even you're asleep. ~ Taeyeon thought and focus on the road again.

They're near at Jung's Mansion when she felt warm on her right hand and she turn around to see Jessica unconsciously puts her hand on top of Taeyeon. She just let it be since she liked it.


"Sica-yah, We're here." Taeyeon shook Jessica gently when they arrived at the Mansion. Jessica stirs up and saw Taeyeon was waking her up.

"Sorry, I fell asleep." Jessica said shyly.

"It's okay, Are you okay now?" Taeyeon asked and Jessica nodded.

"Come on, let's go inside. I'm going to make you some coffee, You're slightly wet." Jessica said as she goes out of the car and so is Taeyeon.

They went inside and they are greeted by maids and 2 elder's that looks like Jessica's parents and Jessica's sister on the couch.

"Oh, you're home. I heard from your sister you're recording again?" Mrs Jung said and looks at the unfamiliar girl beside her daughter.

"Yes, Mom. By the way this is Kim Taeyeon, my friend and Taeyeon this is my parents and lil sister. I invited her to have a coffee and give her some spare clothes since she's slightly wet." Jessica said pointing each of them. Without her knowing Taeyeon's heart was stab when she mentioned *Friend*.

"Hi, Mr and Mrs Jung." Kim Taeyeon bows to them.

"Hi, why are you wet anyways? And drop the formalities, Just call us Mom and Dad okay? It's good because Jessica had friends except Soo and the two lovers." Mrs Jung said and hug Taeyeon but she's shocked when she did so.

"Oh my god, Taeyeon. You're burning." Mrs Jung touched her forehead and it's hot like hell. Jessica panicked.

"Gosh, Tae. Come, take a shower in my room." Jessica support Taeyeon to prevent her from collapsing.

"Okay, Taeyeon. Stay here for dinner okay? you're sick and not allowed to go if your fever still doesn't decrease." Mrs Jung said as she walks into the kitchen to prepare some dinner because it's nearly 6 pm.

They both go upstairs and Jessica lend Taeyeon some spare clothes and let her shower. Jessica was doing something while waiting for Taeyeon. But before she continues what she's doing she text Tiffany to tell her what's going on.

 But before she continues what she's doing she text Tiffany to tell her what's going on

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