Chapter 32

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Taeyeon's Point of View.

It's been 3 days since the incident and here I am sitting beside at my sleeping wife. She's now doing well and we kinda talked about Kasper oppa. She accepts and understand his older brother. I didn't made a wrong decision choosing her as my Wife.

"Taengoo, I'm thirsty." She finally woke up but it's okay. It's still 8 am in the morning and I will be her guardian for the whole week until she recovered this is atleast I can do for her.

I poured some water into a glass and gave it to her. She just finished it in one gulp.

"How thirsty are you, Mrs. Kim?" I said pouring another bottled watter into her glass.

"I'm just thirsty, Taengoo." She tried to sit up but her body is still a bit weak. I support and helped her get up and lay her at the headboard. I forgot to tell you she's here in our room because Appa Jung said it's good for Jessica to have accompany and the Doctor said he'll come here everyday to check up on her.

"Why didn't you tell me about this, Sooyeon?" I asked her seriously, I know it's not the right time to brag about it but I want to know it all to help her.

"I t-thought It's gone. But I guess I was wrong." She look scared, Do I look scary when I'm serious? well she's cute looking scared hehe.

"You look scared, Wifey." I want to tease her again. I miss teasing my wifeeeeee!!

"I'm scared when you're so serious." She admitted finally, she looks cute right now if you see her face. I love it.

"You must be, Baby." Gahhh why do I have so many endearment to her? But I love it so I don't care. I would never cheat on this woman, over my dead body.

"I love you, Baby. Please recover quickly, I miss hanging out with you. I know I have time to go out but here I am, all I want to be by your side due to your hard times." I kissed her forehead. And I realized her tears starts coming out from her eyes. Did I say something bad? Gosh, I hate seeing her like this.

"Why are you crying, baby? Did I say something??" I wiped her tears with my thumb and cupped her cheeks.

"No, Taengoo. I just felt blessed and lucky to have you." She sob hard, well It's my duty as her wife so I'll do everything for her even if it have to kill someone. Except for my family and friends of course duh!

"I am too, Baby. That's why you need to be strong now so I can take you to my favorite place in Seoul." I smiled remembering the time I spent with Eomma when I'm still a kid. I can't forget about it so it became my favorite place. I always go there whenever I'm hurt, depressed, stressed and when I'm uncertain about something. It's so calm there so you can think about anything clearly.

"Why do you have so many favorite place, Taengoo?" She stopped crying, and now she's smiling like she got a toy from a claw machine or something. Such a bipolar wife.

"This is my favorite place of all, Baby." I looked at the clock and it's already lunch time, time flies really fast when I'm with her.

"Do you want to eat something, Baby? It's already lunch time." I want her to feel my care for her.

"I want some soup and riceee!" She whined like a baby. So cute argh!

"Okay, Princess Sooyeon." I pinched her cheeks gently that made her glare at me.

"Okay okay, I'll go get some soup and riceeee now." I copied her tone earlier and her face looks annoyed haha so cute makes me fall for her even more.

I went downstairs and saw the others already eating, some of them stopped when they saw me. And as expected Yoona and Sooyoung didn't even bother to look away from their food.

It all started on Twitter. (Completed) | TaengSicWhere stories live. Discover now