Chapter 19

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"How's your company and Blanc&Eclare, Jessie?" Tiffany asked while they're eating their dinner.

"Oh, I trust Krystal for that. She's been trained by Appa when she's in high school so that she can replace me anytime I want."


9:27 pm

"Rest early girls, We will go somewhere tomorrow!" Taeyeon said before they go inside their rooms.

"Where will we go tomorrow, Hubby?" Jessica was wrapped around Taeyeon's arms.

"We'll go to our company here in Amsterdam, and if we so much time left. I'll take you all to the beach or we will go busking together." Taeyeon smiled at the thought of her plan tomorrow.

"Now sleep because I'm sure tomorrow will be a tiring day for you my love." Taeyeon kissed her forehead as they drifted to sleep.

Early in the morning.

"Good morning, Guys!" Taeyeon went downstairs where her sister's are.

"Good morning, Unniee/ Taeng/TaeTae."  Taeyeon chuckled at her nicknames.

"Where's Sica unnie?" Yoona finds Jessica behind Taeyeon but there's no cold person there.

"Aish, don't act like you don't know where she was Yoona." Sooyoung and other chuckled.

"I heard that." That cold tone makes them shiver.

"Here comes the ice princess!!" Tiffany shouted.

"Let's go." Taeyeon signalled them something.

"Good Morning Unniee/Sica/Jessi/Baby." They attacked Jessica with a Morning hug.

"Ugh, guys... can't..... breathe." Jessica was suffocating so they broke the hug and Jessica breathes harder.

"Let's have our breakfast and go to TaengSic Ent." Taeyeon ordered and they obeyed.


Infront of TaengSic Entertainment.

"Wow." Yuri's mouth agape again when they saw the building with TS Ent on top in the side of it.

"You both must be really rich." Yuri said.

They went inside the building as they noticed some of the employees are Koreans. They're eyes was all over Taeyeon and Jessica.

"Yah! stop what you're doing and look here, it's Ms. Kim together with her Wife." The lady said

Why do they like to gossip around? - Seohyun thought.

"Mrs. Kim looks cold asf. But they look beautiful for each other. Mrs. Kim was actually Ms. Jessica Jung the founder of B&E. Can you believe that? and they're father was the owner of this building that they named after them." The other lady said.

"Ehem, No talking while work time." Taeyeon strict voice has been on since they entered.

The other's was a bit shocked as they never saw or hear Taeyeon like this.


Taeyeon, Jessica and their friends was sitting on the stage at the spacious room inside the building, it looks like their practice stage. All of the employees are there sitting infront of the stage.

Taeyeon stands up and goes to the Mic and clears her throat.

"So as you can see, I have 8 people here with me that I'd be glad to introduce to you all." Taeyeon spoke and everyone clapped.

It all started on Twitter. (Completed) | TaengSicWhere stories live. Discover now