Chapter 22

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(This chapter will contain many pictures.)

Day before going back to Korea

TaengSic was taking lunch together at their company. Their secretary and the employees found it cute because ever since Jessica came into Taeyeon's life, She got happier. And now they're eating with their secretaries, some admitted they're jealous of them for eating with Jessica and Taeyeon. Eunjung was beside Taeyeon but inch apart same with Jiyeon beside Jessica.

"Wifey, tomorrow's our flight. Don't forget to wake up early or else you'll stay here." Taeyeon reminds her.

"If I woke up first, you'll have punishment." Jessica smirked. Eunjung and Jiyeon are kind of shy to them.

"Jiyeon-ah, Eunjung-ah why are you both quiet?" Jessica felt the awkward atmosphere so she broke it.

"We're shy, Ms. Kim. And it's kind of rude to talk like we used to do infront of you." Jiyeon answers.

"It's okay, just talk like you used to do. I know this is work but come on, you have to enjoy." Jessica smiled so is Taeyeon and their secretary.

"Thank you, Mrs. Kim. You're so kind hihi." Jiyeon said before talking to Eunjung.

Taeyeon put her hand on top of Jessica and mouthed her "Good job".

"Eunjung. After you both eat come to my office, I have some files for you to arrange." Taeyeon said before standing up and grabs Jessica's hand gently as they both went into their office.

"Taengoo, I want to come back here soon." Jessica pouts remembering they'll go back to Korea tomorrow.

"Why? is it because of Jiyeon?" Taeyeon teased her.

"What? Are you insane Kim Taeyeon?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Kidding, I'll come back here maybe after a month. Do you want to come with me?"

"Of course!!!" Jessica jumps like a child.

Eunjung and Jiyeon was staring at them enviously. They finished eating and about to walk inside their office but they saw them both outside the office.

"They look great together. They're both lucky to have each other." Jiyeon said.

"Yeah, I wonder when I'll met mine." Eunjung smiled bitterly.

"You'll meet him/her soon." Jiyeon taps her shoulder and they both smile at each other.

"Oh! Jiyeon! Eunjung! Come faster." Taeyeon felt their presence and their secretaries ran to them.

"I'll go back to my office now." Jessica was about to go but Taeyeon grabs her wrist.

"Come in with Jiyeon. I'll just have something to tell Eunjung." They went inside and sat on the couch.

"Eunjung, tomorrow's our flight. So make sure you and Jiyeon will help each other okay? And we'll be back next month and I guess to stay here for about a month. And the song I recorded yesterday, send it to our company in Korea so I'll release it there okay?" Taeyeon instructed.

"Yes, Ms. Kim. Is there anything more?" Eunjung and Jiyeon take notes.

"The papers you need to take care of was in your table now, so you both can take a day off for today same with others okay? Call it a day, and don't stress yourself, all of you and just enjoy."

"Same to you, Jiyeon." Jessica smiled.

"Okay, take a rest now." Taeyeon said before grabbing Jessica's things to her left hand and her right hand holding Jessica's hand.

It all started on Twitter. (Completed) | TaengSicWhere stories live. Discover now