Chapter 18

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"Baby, can you slow down? Jeez." Taeyeon held tight into her seatbelt. Jessica didn't listen and drives faster. She sure was a reckless driver.

They arrived at their house in no time and Jessica goes out the car full of anger and went inside the house slamming their room's door. Taeyeon just followed her. She knew it's kinda her fault not stopping Soyou for her actions.

"Taeyeon. Breathe in breathe out. Everything will be okay, Jessica loves you." She then knocks nervously, felt her hands was shaking.

"Sooyeon-ah, open the door please." She was knocking repeatedly but the latter still ignored it.

"I'll not leave her until you open the door, Mrs. Kim." Taeyeon sat down on the floor waiting for her Wife's response.


Jessica's P.O.V

I looked at my phone and it's already 12:19 in the midnight. She looks at her side knowing she locked the door for Taeyeon.

Fuck, I slept. Where did she sleep?

Then she was about to go downstairs when she notice the latter was sleeping on the floor trembling from the cold.

"Yah! Kim Taeyeon wake up!" Taeyeon woke up easily when she heard my voice she's been longing for almost 2 hours.

"You shouldn't sleep here, Taengoo." I suddenly felt guilty for not opening the door for her.

"I'll explain, Princess."  I just nod and we enter the room sitting at the edge of the bed.

"So who's that bitch?" I couldn't hold back my anger for that Soyou girl.

"S-she uhm, She's the girl who's bothering me since we're high school. I know you didn't notice her including me. But everytime she walks near me, I want her to walk away from me and not bother me anymore because I started to have feelings for you. But she didn't even care, she thought you're just  a fictional character or whatsoever. I've been faithful to you since then even if we didn't even had commitment or you don't even know me." Taeyeon explained.

"Sorry, I just can't hold my anger. Sorry, Baby." I lowered my head because guiltyness was eating me instead of Taeyeon to eat me. Just kidding.

"It's not your fault, Princess. Everyone will do the same if they're on your shoes. That's why I didn't give up because I don't even want to lose my dream girl." Taeyeon wipes my tears using her thumb.

"Now, stop crying and sleep. We still have flight tomorrow." Taeyeon lays me into the bed while using her arm as my pillow. It didn't get long when we both closed our eyes and sleep.


Next Morning at Incheon Airport.

No one's P.O.V

"That couple really wants to be late." Sunny face-palmed herself. They're waiting for Jessica and Taeyeon at the airport. 1 hour before their departure.

Then the people starts screaming and they saw some camera flash on their left side.

"Even if we don't look, We already knew who will cause that chaos." Sooyoung blows her nails.

"Hi guys ready?" Jessica appeared infront of them.

"We're ready for almost 1 hr now." Hyoyeon rolled her eyes.

"Well, Never run no matter how late you are." Jessica shrugged her shoulders.

"Wow unnies, you both have so many fans. Especially Sica unnie." Seohyun was still looking at the crowd.

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