Chapter 05

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Thursday, 12:00 pm

They decided to have a short break from work and go to the beach where they always go years ago. It was actually Taeyeon's idea when she saw her girlfriend doesn't have proper rest everyday to work and the other agreed since they need break too.


Since it's lunch time, they are eating at the cottage so that they can enjoy the beach later. They're already in their beachwear so the only thing they have to do is to have fun.

After eating, they take a walk at the seashore before playing into the water. It's too dangerous if you went in the water when you're full. They ask some person to took a picture of them.

They play and have fun while they have time, they're like the college version of themselves

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They play and have fun while they have time, they're like the college version of themselves. Bringing back the memories alive.

They kept playing with each other like a child until they reached their limits and get tired.

"I hope we can do this again someday." Tiffany said with her unfamous eye smile.

"Yeah, but we're all tired now. Let's go to our rest house near here and take a rest." Taeyeon suggests and they all get up from the sand and shrugged the dirt from their body as they walk into the Kim's Resthouse.


All of them entered the resthouse and tour their eyes because of the interiors. It's fancy and spaceous for them.

 It's fancy and spaceous for them

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(photo not mine.)

The sun was setting now and they all agreed staying there since it's refreshing and they all together so it's not a problem.


The girls was in the living room watching some movies from the dvd. Taeyeon was playing with Jessica's fingers while watching.

The movie ended and it's now dinner time so Sooyoung and Yoona's stomach growled. The other girls laugh at the sound.

"Taeng, I'm hungry." Sooyoung pouted.

"Don't pout, it doesn't suit you" Taeyeon stands up and goes to the kitchen to find if there's anything to cook and eat.

Hyoyeon and Taeyeon will be in charge of cooking while Sunny and Seohyun will arrange the plates and utensils, Yoona and Sooyoung already seated at the dining table waiting for the food. Yuri, Tiffany and Jessica was left in the living room. Jessica's phone rang

It all started on Twitter. (Completed) | TaengSicWhere stories live. Discover now