Chapter 03

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As they all sat down across Taeyeon and Jessica, they start staring at Taeyeon's scars and wounds.

"So what actually happened? care to explain? both of you?" Tiffany asked strictly, to be honest she feels a little angry because when they both met Taeyeon always get into trouble or worse, getting into fights and hurt physically.

"How did you know?" Taeyeon asked as they both curious how did they know.

"Everyone knew unnie." Yoona said and tooks out her phone to search something and when she found it, she place her phone infront of the 2 girls. They're shocked of what they saw.

 They're shocked of what they saw

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"What the.." Taeyeon exclaimed but being cut off by Yuri.

"Language, Kim." Yuri said and Taeyeon hold her lips.

"Explain. now." Tiffany again said.

"We're eating ice cream at the company's dance practice room when suddenly Seolhyun entered and said someone wants to talk to Jessica named Taecyeon, At first she don't want but I insist her cause' I felt he was going to talk something important so our plan was I will follow Jessica so that she will be safe." Taeyeon said.

"And?" Sooyoung said.

"Taecyeon suddenly invites me to the nearest restaurant here to have privacy and there he said he wants me back and apologizing for what he done to me but I didn't accept him and told him I already love somebody else. I'm about to exit the restaurant but Taecyeon grab me hard, it really hurt until he drag me to the parking lot where his car parked at first I escaped but he's quick enough to catch me again so I just close my eyes waiting something to happen and there, I saw Taeyeon was beating him." Jessica said and everyone noticed her tone was sad.

"This is your fault! I know I really don't have the rights to say this. But ever since You and Tae met, she always got into fight or got hurt." Tiffany said seriously.

Jessica felt hurt by her words, she didn't expect her own bestfriend to be the one who will said these things to her. She then stands up and goes to Taeyeon's room because she can't stand fighting her tears for so long. A loud voice was heard from the living room.


"What the hell did you tell her Tiff?!" Taeyeon exclaimed when Jessica runs into her room.

"Do you know how much you words hurt her?! Are you really in your right mind?! I love her Tiffany! That's why I'm doing these things to her. The worse happened is you! her bestfriend whom she trusted so much had a courage to say that infront of her! infront of us. I can feel she's humiliated and blaming herself of what you said." Taeyeon can't take it anymore. Tiffany then took a while to register what her bestfriend said.

"Fck!" Taeyeon was about to slap Tiffany but she holds it and punch hard the coffee table that is just a clear glass and the glass scattered into pieces at the floor.

It all started on Twitter. (Completed) | TaengSicWhere stories live. Discover now