Chapter 17

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( Texts that looks like this "SNSD" Will be the song.

Texts that looks like this "SNSD" Will be their thoughts/moments/flashback.)


Jessica was about to toss the bouquet when she turn around and gave it to her bestfriend, Tiffany who looks dumbfounded why Jessica gave it to her.

When Jessica gave it to Tiffany she turn Tiffany around seeing Yuri kneeling down with a opened ring box revealing the diamond ring. Tiffany was so shocked even the guests. Her tears slowly formed into her eyes.

"Hey Babe, look at me okay? Stephanie Hwang Miyoung, Will you marry me?" Yuri smiled warmly and their other friends starts tearing up too.

"Yes of course!" Yuri stood up and kisses Tiffany before giving her the engagement ring. Tiffany hugges Jessica but leads to group hug.


At the Reception.

The 9 ladies was sitting at the table in the middle when the MC comes up on stage and they all gave their attention to him.

"And now, Ms. Kim Taeyeon will come up here on stage." The guests clap their hands when Taeyeon starts to head onstage.

"Good evening, I come up here on stage to give my wife a present. I wrote this song for her. I hope you'll all like it especially you, Sooyeon-ah." Taeyeon smiled at her before warming up.

The song starts, Jessica quickly take her phone away to pay attention to the song Taeyeon wrote for her

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The song starts, Jessica quickly take her phone away to pay attention to the song Taeyeon wrote for her.

For a long time, in my heart,
Full of clouds, it rains
For warm sun to shine,
I sincerely hoped.
Raindrops that wet my shoulder,
When I dried, I alone,
Was so afraid that it would remain.

You are like a light, after the rain has passed,
You come up in my heart, like this.

Cause you are, the light that fell on me,
You are, like a beautiful dream,
With seven rays, the whole world,
Is dyed even more beautifully, always.
Yeah U R.

On top of an empty green hill,
Rainbow becomes a roof.
I lay still underneath and look at the sky.
This throbbing I felt for the first time, with peacefulness of the world
More loveable than anyone else

When I turn my head, at your smile,
Unknowingly, I reach my hand out, like this.

Cause you are, the light that fell on me,
You are, like a beautiful dream,
With seven rays, the whole world,
Is dyed even more beautifully, always.
Yeah U R.

It all started on Twitter. (Completed) | TaengSicWhere stories live. Discover now