Chapter 24

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Yuri's P.O.V

I didn't even know what happened. I don't know what happend to me. Why did I even do that to Taeyeon? Why did I said to infront of them? Why am I so harsh? And why the heck I can't even apologize. I'm already feeling it. I know our past will be revealed soon. I'm not afraid of what will happened but I'm afraid of my relationship with Fany and They're relationship. But it's okay, Taeyeon is understanding.

"It will be okay, Yuri." I mumbled as I started to breathe in and out.

"What?" I forgot my fiancè was just beside me.

"Babe, do you believe me?" I asked out of the blue. God it's strange.

"Of course, Why wouldn't I?" I'm blessed to have this beautiful understanding fiancè of mine.

"Nothing, babe. I love you." I kissed her forehead and the doctor came out.

No one's P.O.V

The doctor came out from the room and Taeyeon quickly ran to his place.

"How's my wife, Doc.?" Taeyeon asked while trembling.

"She's okay for now, We've removed the broken pieces of glass into her arms and there's stitches on her head. She's already awake." The doctor stated.

"Can we see her now, Doc.?" Tiffany asked him.

"Yes but only 2 person can visit her to avoid some crowd and noises. I may go now." The doctor said.

"Thanks, Doc." Taeyeon said as the doctor walks away.

"Taetae, you can go first. We'll just wait here." Tiffany pats her shoulder before nodding.

Taeyeon gently went inside to saw her Wife staring at the white ceiling and not moving an inch.

After Taeyeon went inside Mr and Mrs. Jung came.

"How's Jessica?!" Mrs. Jung worriedly asked.

"She's okay now, Auntie. But the Doctor said she still needs some rest that's why we let Taeyeon to get inside for Jessica to gain her energy. She can be discharged tomorrow if she gets better." Sunny said that made them relieved knowing Taeyeon was already beside her.

"Thank, God." They both sat beside the girls waiting for Taeyeon.

Back to TaengSic

"Wifey? Are you feeling okay now?" Taeyeon sat beside her. Jessica tried to sit up but whimpered when she used her left arm for support.

"Hey hey, just lay there okay? I'll take care of you. I'm sorry I leave you alone there." Taeyeon felt guilty as her tears was threatening her to fall down.

"You don't need to be sorry, Hubby. I'm okay, just a few scratches." Jessica smiled and caressed Taeyeon face using her right hand.

Taeyeon look at Jessica with a bandage on her head and a few bruises on her left arm.

"What happened?"

"I had a bad dream and woke up seeing there's no one beside me and it's so dark. I tried to find the light switch but ended up knocking the vase at the coffee table. The water inside and the vase itself scattered to I slipped and fell on my head and my arm on the shattered glass I guess." Jessica explained.

"Sorry, Baby." The only words that came out from Taeyeon's mouth.

"Care to lay beside me?" Jessica taps the space beside her.

"I'll just sit over there, take a rest baby. Doctor said you need rest for you to feel okay so you can be discharged tomorrow." Taeyeon caressing Jessica's hair until she fell asleep because Taeyeon's presence. They stayed like that about an hour, Taeyeon just stared at her Wife's face thinking their memories slowly pops up in her head. Her tears slowly fell. As she kissed Jessica's forehead.

It all started on Twitter. (Completed) | TaengSicWhere stories live. Discover now