Chapter 36

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In the Morning

Taeyeon's P.O.V

I woke up early in the morning and rub my eyes gently to see the sleeping beauty beside me. She really looked innocent sleeping, you wouldn't know she's as cold as ice.

I'm staring at her face for so long now and I brush her hair and tucked it beside her ear. Now her face was completely bare, making me want to pinch her cheeks!

She budged a little but didn't even opened her eyes to see me, I forgot she's having her precious sleep. Okay, I lose. I can't wake her up.

I stood up from the bed and get my towel and clothes to shower. I'm feeling sweaty I don't even know why. I strip my clothes and turn on the shower as the water runs through my bare body.

After I finished showering, I let myself dry and put my clothes on and some lotion. The next thing is drying my hair with a blower. I sang my song titled "I" while drying my hair. I love how things didn't change even if I have a wife already. My first love and first kiss became my wife. I love how she handles me very well, how she understand me or in short I love my other half.

I finished drying my hair and step outside the bathroom and saw my princess already awake and reading some book.

"Good morning, Sooyeon." I walk closer to her and kissed her forehead.

"Good morning, Taengoo." She clungs into me making me fall into the bed on top of her.

"You're really aggressive, Sooyeon." I said managing to speak despite of like she's torturing me with her beauty.

"Sorry hehe." She released me and stood up to grab her towel and go inside the bathroom.

I waited for about an hour for her to finish, she's really a princess. I just took my phone and scroll down to the Twitter, I refresh the feed and saw Sooyeon's tweet.

 I just took my phone and scroll down to the Twitter, I refresh the feed and saw Sooyeon's tweet

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"Sooyeon! Stop tweeting and let's go I'm hungry!!" I shout and I heard her giggling. She's just a selfie queen gosh.

"At last! You came out whoo." I teased her and saw her pout. HAHA you deserve it, baby.

"Let's go, I'm hungry." She said coldly, oohhhhh my baby was mad hahahaha.

We walk outside the hotel, we don't want to eat inside the hotel because someone's been craving for some breads. She refused to walk hand in hand, she's sulking really hard huh?

We arrived there, still no talking or words coming out from her mouth.

"I'll order what do you want?" I asked her when we sat at the empty seat.

"Bread and coffee." Finally she talked! I walk over the counter and order something to eat and Sooyeon's order.

I walk back into our seat with a tray of food in my hand. She's still sulking. I gave her the food and she eat without even saying anything. -_-

It all started on Twitter. (Completed) | TaengSicWhere stories live. Discover now