Chapter 06

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"Unnie, let's play video games." Krystal invites Taeyeon who's sitting in the ouch beside her while waiting for Mrs. Jung and Jessica.

"What kind games do you have here?" Taeyeon looks at what Krystal handed to her.

Krystal picks one game and insert it on the PS4. They pick 'Tekken' and they play it in a 2 player mode.

Krystal was losing each game and it irritates her.

"Unnie, let me winnn!"

"No, I want to win again." She sticks her tongue out as Krystal whined.

"Jung Soojung, don't whine please."

A few minutes, Jessica and Mrs. Jung came out of the kitchen with some tray of foods.

"Dinner's ready, KIDS." Jessica emphasized the word kids when she saw them bickering over a game.

They walk into the dining room and eat heartily with some stories Mrs. Jung told Taeyeon when Jessica was still a child.

"Sooyeon was so cold since the day she was born. When her father hold her she literally rolled her eyes into her father." They laugh while Jessica blushed.

"I didn't know you we're that cold, Sooyeon. How come I didn't encounter that side of yours?" Taeyeon teased her.

They finished eating and goes to the living room once again. Mrs. Jung comes with a book on her hands.

"Here, Taeyeon. Take a look of her child photos." Mrs. Jung handed the book to her as Jessica and her looks each page.

"You're so cute, little Sooyeon." Taeyeon scratch the photo slightly.

"I'm going to capture this." She took out her phone and capture it.

" She took out her phone and capture it

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Taeyeon calls her Dad to tell him she's going to sleep in the Jung's.


Appa, I'm going to sleep here in my girlfriend's house. Do you need anything or you want me to go back there? ~ Taeyeon was worried when she'll not be home if her Dad needs her. And yes Mr. Kim knows Taeyeon had a girlfriend.

Nothing, sweetie. Enjoy there okay? I'll call you if there's anything, Appa loves you.

Okay, appa. I love you too

The call ended and Taeyeon goes to Jessica's work room to follow her. Whenever Jessica's stress she goes to her work room and relax there. Taeyeon entered and saw Jessica was holding her phone.

"Baby, can we talk?" Taeyeon sat beside her with a not serious tone.

"Sure, Taengoo. Any problem?" She place her phone at the study table.

"I want to ask you if you want to come with me next week."

"And where are we going?" Jessica raised an eyebrow.

It all started on Twitter. (Completed) | TaengSicWhere stories live. Discover now