Chapter 26

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"What's happening here?" I didn't realize I'm spacing out until Taeyeon comes infront of me waving her hand into my sight.

"Mrs. Kim, I'm so sorry. I didn't knock, I don't know you're here." The guy looked sincere apologizing.

"Mr. Kim, what happened?" Taeyeon asked seriously, I can feel her jealousy. Why can't I move my feet and mouth? shoot.

"I opened the door to invite Jiyeon to have lunch and didn't know Mrs. Kim was here because I know you're taking your lunch. I'm sorry Ms. Kim." The guy apologized repeatedly.

"Wifey, this is Kim Myung Soo. One of our employees here and Jiyeon's suitor." Eunjung and The guy called Myungsoo was shock at what Taengoo told me.

"H-how do you know, Ms. Kim?" Jiyeon stuttered.

"It's all over the company, I have ears to hear what they're saying." It's my first time to see Taengoo this cold and kinda rude.

"Follow me." She grab my arms and drag me into her office leaving Jiyeon and Myungsoo alone in my office.

Taengoo shuts the door loud, it makes me shook and fidget in my place. She sighed and stared at me like she's waiting for me to explain what was that. But I can't even move my mouth.

"Do you like Jiyeon?" She asked seriously, she's weird. Why would I like my secretary and I have her as a wife for pete's sake.

"Answer me." She holds both of my hand and we shared an eye contact.

"No, why would I?" I keep my cool. She's my wife, I don't want to shout at her. I hope she feels the same.

"If you didn't sense what's happening, you would've kiss her in front of us." She smirked.

"What are you talking about? She's just my secretary nothing much." I heard she sighed. In defeat I guess? because she nod and let go of my hand and sit on the couch.

"Just rest there, Hub. I'm just going to finish my work." I'm about to go out when she spoke.

"Can you stay here with me? please?" She smiled but her eyes was like telling me she's so tired. I'm getting weak seeing her like this. I just agreed and about to sit next to her. She holds my hand and hops on top of me, it's one of her hobby to hop on top of me and buried her face into my neck and immediately sleep there. She sure loves my neck so much. Okay I don't like where this is going.

"Hubby, someone might see us." I just said it calmly but she didn't even move.

"Let them be, I want them to know you're mine only. Plus I'm dead tired so please let me be." She mumbled into my ears, it makes me shiver gahhh!

"Sleeping on my neck is getting a hobby of yours huh?" I just want to tease her.

"I just love your smell, it makes me fall asleep just smelling your scent. It's like a drug to me." Her hot breathe was brushing into my skin.

"Aish, just sleep baby." I didn't get a response and her breathe is getting heavy so I think she's asleep now.

"My baby is so tired, I wonder how to make you feel energized." I kept on mumbling. And then someone knocks revealing Eunjung kinda shookt what our position was.

Eunjung's P.O.V

I'm now holding some files that needs to be signed by Mrs. Kim so I will go to her office now. She said I can just knock 3 times and go inside.

I knocked 3 times and opened the door seeing the back of two person. It's Ms. Kim burying her neck into Mrs. Kim. It's like she's sleeping.

"Sorry for disturbing, Mrs. Kim. I just came to give this to Ms. Kim." I kinda whisper so that Ms. Taeyeon wouldn't woke up. She gave me a warm smile signalling me to proceed making my way into Ms. Kim's desk.

It all started on Twitter. (Completed) | TaengSicWhere stories live. Discover now