Chapter 31

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"You guys are so slow you know?" Mr. Jung said when they saw the girls down.

"Did you all have fun earlier?" Mrs. Jung smirked. The girls are shock.

"Huh?" Jessica looks at her sister waiting for an answer but Krystal just shrugged her shoulder.

"This is your right, Sooyeon?" Mrs. Jung hands her the shirt she left at the pool earlier.

"Why did you leave it there?" Jessica elbowed and whispered to Taeyeon.

"I forgot about it, Baby." Taeyeon smiled nervously.

"Forget about it, Let's eat. The food's geting cold already." Mr. Kim signalled them to sit and they obeyed. They eat until they are finished then head to their rooms to rest.


The Next day

Jessica and Taeyeon woke up at the same time again, It's already 12 pm in the afternoon so they get up and shower together before heading downstairs to see the others just start eating lunch.

"Sooyeon, did you gave Taeyeon your laziness?" Mrs. Jung said and they all laugh excluding Taeyeon.

They just sit there and eat quietly. They're too lazy to open their mouth and talk about something.


The Girls are at the pool area while the olders and Krystal at the living room discussing about something.

"Taeyeon unnie, Uncle asks for you inside." Krystal appeared at the pool.

"Baby, I will just go inside okay?" Taeyeon kissed Jessica's forehead as he nod and listen to Hyoyeon's stories again.

Taeyeon's P.O.V

I'm now in the living room waiting for Kasper oppa to finish his business at the bathroom. And when Kasper Oppa went beside us, the discussion starts with Soojung with us.

"Taeyeon, now's the time for Jessica to know everything. You know what you're gonna do right?" Appa Jung said. I nodded before the promise I made starts repeating into my head.

If Jessica didn't able to take it alone anymore, make sure to be with her no matter how she shoo'd you away.

"Kasper, you ready?" My Dad pats Kasper Oppa's shoulder. Oppa just breathe in deep before nodding. Eomma looks at Appa Jung signalling to call the others now.

"Soojung-ah, call your unnies now." I said and Krystal obeys me and calls them quickly. Krystal looks nervous and about to explode but I saw she's controlling herself for her Unnie. All of them entered at the same time as Jessica sits beside me with Kasper oppa sits infront of us.

"What's with the commotion here, Appa?" Jessica asked curiously. I look at Appa Jung and he's looking at me and points at Jessica with his face. I know what it means.

"Baby, Look at me first." I grab her face and let her eyes look into mine. Her eyes were trembling. She was so confused but don't worry baby. All of this will be alright.

"What's going on, Taengoo?" I think she saw my eyes slowly tearing up that's why she's looking at me worriedly.

"Just listen okay? Promise me you won't do something bad after this." I kissed her forehead.

"I will Taengoo, I promise." She said.

No one's P.O.V

"We want Kasper Oppa to say everything to you, Baby." Jessica looks confused at Taeyeon's words.

It all started on Twitter. (Completed) | TaengSicWhere stories live. Discover now