Chapter 07

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"Baby, I miss our ice cream dateeee." Taeyeon acts like a child and it amused Jessica.

"Then let's go." She smiled and grab Taeyeon's hand.


"So you're now jealous because of ice cream, baby?" Teasing Taeyeon was Jessica's happiness

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"So you're now jealous because of ice cream, baby?" Teasing Taeyeon was Jessica's happiness.

"Yes, do you have any problem with that?" She raised an eyebrow.

Jessica has a little ice cream smudge on the side of her lips. Taeyeon pointed at Jessica's lips that has a smudge on it but Jessica didn't get it. Taeyeon gets her face closer to Jessica and kissed the ice cream smudge on her lips.

"There." Taeyeon looked relieved of what she did, it's the first time she kissed Jessica on the lips. So Jessica blushed so mad.

"Yah, there's so many people here." She scold Taeyeon shyly.

"I don't care, I'm your girlfriend." Taeyeon continues to eat.


At the Jung's house, Taeyeon was so sleepy she throws herself on the couch.

"You should atleast sleep in the bed you know?" Jessica drops her purse and car keys on the night table.

"But I'm too tired to walk upstairs." Taeyeon closed her eyes and fall asleep.

Later on, Taeyeon woke up and saw Jessica was watching some netflix show on the TV. They're still on the living room.

"What time is it? Did I slept for too long?" Taeyeon sits up and sit into Jessica's lap snuggling herself and buried her face into Jessica's neck while hugging her waist.

"Someone's being clingy today huh." Jessica caressed her back like a mother carrying her child. Then Jessica lifted Taeyeon's face and kissed her lips passionately, Taeyeon felt it and move her lips along Jessica. The kiss lasted about 10 minutes and both pulled out because of needing some oxygen.

"That's hot baby." Taeyeon smirk and buried her face again on Jessica's neck.

"Pervert Kim." Jessica chuckled and felt Taeyeon's breath on her skin. She then notice Taeyeon fell asleep again.


Taeyeon woke up because her body was aching noticing Jessica was not beside her. She sits up and felt a little cold on her upper body and saw she's just on her undergarment but still have her pants on.

"Shit." Taeyeon face plamed herself and wear some clothes before going downstairs.

She saw Jessica sitting at the counter near the kitchen drinking some coffee.

"You're awake now, hmm." She saw Taeyeon's face was unreadable.

"What happened last night?" She sat make herself some coffee and sit beside Jessica.

It all started on Twitter. (Completed) | TaengSicWhere stories live. Discover now