Chapter 40

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"I decided this because I love you. Promise me starting this time, you will trust me okay? don't worry about me and protects yourself from harms. And I just want to know that nothing......" Taeyeon wipes her tears using her hands while her head was down.

"Nothing can ever take you away from me." Taeyeon looks up on them with a different change of her eyes like earlier. The lady who just cried just changed immediately like a devil.

Taeyeon moves and beat up some men to take her anger out from Tyler. Kasper and others followed Taeyeon. 8 of them beats all of the 20 men around them. Taeyeon and Kasper both have 4 enemies while the others have 2. Jiyeon knocked the 2 men, and saw Taeyeon was surrounded by 4 men but she's still calm. Jiyeon ran and goes behind Taeyeon.

"Jiyeon-ah, I can handle this. Go and get Sooyeon for me okay?" Jiyeon obeyed knowing Taeyeon can handle those 4 without any difficulties. The men attacked her one by one but she just defended herself using one hand and her feet as her other hand was inside her pocket.

Tyler starts to release Jessica without knowing Jiyeon was there and get Jessica away from Tyler.

"Tyler, behind you." Seolhyun said. Tyler turned around and saw Jessica was away from her now.

"Shoot!" Tyler was about to run but Taeyeon came in his way.

"You betrayed me, Kwon Yul." Taeyeon looks at Yuri.

"Sorry." That's all Yuri can say to her.

"You know, Kim Taeyeon? maybe sometimes you must know that not everyone around you is your friend. Look at Yuri here, she's my cousin and you're her friend but she still chose me." Tyler smirked.

Just you wait, Tyler. - Yuri thought.

"Will I be hurt at what you said? You see, Kwon. I accept the fact that everyone around you was not on your side. I'm used to it, and maybe you should accept it too." Taeyeon glared at Tyler's eyes. Even Tyler's knees was shaking when he looks at her eyes.

"Seolhyun, ready my gun there." Tyler smirked at Taeyeon who didn't looked scared. In fact she's smiling dangerously.

"Seolhyun!" Tyler looks behind him and saw Jessica was there covering Seolhyun's mouth even if Seolhyun was taller than her.

"Do you want to watch how my wife beat the hell out of your not-so-good spy?" Taeyeon's smile didn't leave her face.

Jessica turned Seolhyun around and slaps her really hard.

"That's for betraying me."

Jessica slaps her again at the other side of her cheek.

"That is for choosing that Lizard over me."

"And this." Jessica clenched her fist and about to punch Seolhyun but she dodged it. Now Seolhyun was attacking too. Others just watching them because they know how badass Jessica was. Seolhyun picks the wrong person to fight with.

Seolhyun's hand landed on Jessica's cheek. Now Jessica's eyes changed too that made Seolhyun step back at her cold deadly glare.

Jessica punch her hard as fast as she could that Seolhyun didn't know what was coming. She beats the crap out of her until Seolhyun laid into the floor groaning in pain.

"That is for "Flirting" into my WIFE, slut." Jessica removes the dust all over her and saw everyone was watching her.

"How's the scene? did you buy tickets?" She said jokingly because they're faces looks like watching in the theatre.

"Tae unnie! Behind you!" Yoona shout when they saw Tyler was about to attack Taeyeon behind her but she's quick to dodged it and punch him in the face. Then Kasper took over because even though Taeyeon can handle him, It's a little bit to unfair to fight with a girl.

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