Chapter 28

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(Tuesday) The day before their flight to Korea.

Taeyeon and Jessica was so busy with a pile of papers since they will be back to Korea again tomorrow. They both didn't even have time to glance at each other. Eunjung and Jiyeon both helping their boss with works.

"Jiyeon-ah, can you get us some drinks?" Jessica didn't even manage to look at her since she's engrossed with the papers infront of her.

Jiyeon walks outside and bought some iced tea since her boss don't drink coffee. She saw her bestfriend was getting soem coffee at the machine.

"Oh, Jiyeon. How's your work with Mrs. Kim?" Eunjung noticed her bestfriend's presence.

"It's kinda tiring but I'm fine. How about you?"

I'm fine since I get to spend time with her.

"It's okay too, do you know why their finiahing their works right now?" Jiyeon furrowed her eyebrows, she don't even know about the reason.

"I see, they will go back to Korea tomorrow. They must be really rich." Eunjung said.

She will be away again? I'll miss her so much....

"Really? it's good." Jiyeon replied coldly.

"Gotta go, Eunjung." She continued. Then walks away from her and enters the office to put the drink into Jessica's table.

"What's wrong with her? She's so off this days." Eunjung just shrugged the thoughts away as she goes back to Taeyeon's office and they all continue their works.

Taeyeon puts the pen down and stretches her neck as she sigh. She grab her phone and texts someone.

"Do you think Jessica will understand this?" Taeyeon's sudden asked made Eunjung flinched. Taeyeon chuckled at the reaction.

"Sorry." Still chuckling.

"She will, Ms. Kim. I saw Mrs. Kim was a good person. Everyone in her shoe will be shock at first but they'll understand it eventually. Maybe for Mrs. Kim she'll understand right away if she don't throw tantrums right away." Eunjung explained.

"Shoot, she's on her red days." Taeyeon facepalmed herself.

"Heol, It's a problem Ms. Kim." Eunjung

Back to JiSica ( Jiyeon & Jessica )

Jessica silently whimpered massaging her right shoulder stopping what she's been doing.

"Are you hurt, Ms. Jessica? Do you want me to massage you?" Jiyeon looks worried at her.

"You're busy, I'm okay." Jessica smiled but still masagging her shoulder. Jiyeon couldn't stand it. She went behind Jessica and massaged it genlty, she's kinda good at it since she was a child because she was the one who massaged her grandmother's shoulder.

Jessica felt good at Jiyeon's massaged.

"You're so good, Jiyeon-ah." Jessica moaned unconsciously at the pleasure from the massage. Jiyeon widened her eyes as she heard it and saw Jessica was closing her eyes.

Jeez, that moan was so hot. It's making me turned on. - Jiyeon thought while still massaging her shoulders. Whoever hear Jessica's moan, it made them turned on at the latter.

"There, there. Good~" Jessica still closed her eyes. Jiyeon can't take it any longer, her sweat was falls down to her forehead. She stopped massaging her before she can't control her hormones anymore.

"Thank you, Jiyeon." Jessica felt relieved and smiled warmly at her.

"N-no Problem, Ms. J-Jessica." Jiyeon can't help but to stutter.

It all started on Twitter. (Completed) | TaengSicWhere stories live. Discover now