Chapter 30

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(Warning again: A little SPG I guess?)

They finished their lunch and now their changing clothes to go to the pool. Taeyeon and Jessica was the first to finish changing so they go into the pool first.

"Cannon Ball!!" TaengSic turn their attention towards Yuri sprinting into the pool and jump holding both of her knees. The water splashed everywhere.

"Oh my God Jessi." Tiffany looks at Jessica who's looking at the floor while clenching her fist.

"You're dead, Kwon." All of them said and put their hands together and pray.

"God, please pray for my girlfriend's  soul.." Tiffany leads.

"Don't ever leave her alone..." Sooyoung conitnued.

"And let her be happy for her decisions..." Yoona continued too.

"Make her feel happy always..." Seohyun

"Please bear with her crazy personality..." Nicole joins

"Don't let her be in danger..." Hyoyeon

"Like what happened right now..." Sunny

"Amen." Taeyeon ends it and saw Yuri lift herself up the pool as she saw Jessica dripping wet looking at her while clenching her fist.

"Goodbye guys, I'll miss you all." Yuri said before running outside the pool area. And the girls covered their ears in unison knowing what will happen next.

"KWON YURI!!!!!!!!!" HellSica unleashed after a long time.

"Sorry, Babe. I can't help you this time." Tiffany mumbled and they all laugh. Taeyeon grab some towel and put it around Jessica.

"Sit, Baby. Make yourself dry first." Taeyeon tried to calm her furious wife and she succeeds slowly.

"Girls, here's some snacks." Mrs. Jung comes out with Kasper and a tray of snacks and drinks in their hands.

"Thanks, Auntie/Eomma!" They each grab food and drinks.

"Where's Yuri?" Mrs. Jung noticed there are only 9 girls there.

"Hiding somewhere, Auntie. She pissed off your daughter a while ago." Sooyoung while munching into her sandwhich.

"Oh, I see hehe." Mrs. Jung giggled knowing her daughter didn't change since she was a child.

"Girls, We're just going to Jessica's grandparents okay? We'll bring Kasper, Krystal and Kim too so be careful. You have the house for yourselves for a day. We'll be back I guess late at night. You guys knows how to cook right? There's some ingredients inside the fridge." Mrs. Jung said

"Yes, Aunty! Drive safe!" They all said as Taeyeon smirked at them all especially to Jessica.

"Yah! Byun couple, I know what are you both planning." Sunny points at Taeyeon and Jessica.

"It's not like we're the only one who's planning it." TaengSic looks at Yoona and Seohyun who's hanging their head low.

After eating they rest first before going now inside the pool. They're splashing and playing with each other. And then Yuri came back.

"Yow Yuri! You're back, wassup man?" Hyoyeon make them laugh again. Yuri slowly goes next to Jessica, she found some timing because Jessica was in the pool so she'll not catch Yuri.

"Jessicaaa, I'm sorry." Yuri smiled at her.

"Dive into the cliff first." Jessica looks up on her smirking.

"What? are you kidding me?" Yuri back off a little.

"Of course I am, Fool. You know your consequence. Now stand there." Jessica points at the center of the pool area. Jessica grabs some water gun from the chair and pours many water inside.

It all started on Twitter. (Completed) | TaengSicWhere stories live. Discover now