Chapter 35

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(Don't mind the Coridel Entertainment in the vid. Just imagine it's SM.😂)

Wonderland Shooting

Taeyeon's P.O.V

We are here at the plane including Sunny and the staffs. We are on the way for my wife's music video making.

"Baby, do you want to sleep? We have a long flight." I asked her because she seems sleepy as always. She nod and I grab a blanket to place it on top of her so she could sleep well.

"Sleepwell, Sooyeon." I kissed her forehead and she drifted to sleep.

I just watch her sleep, staring at every inch of her beautiful face. Lord, this creation of yours was the most beautiful ever.

I keep staring at her when I felt like someone was watching us. I look around and saw everybody was sleeping and some was doing their own business.

I hold my girl's hand as I drifted to sleep too.


"Better get your hand off my girl or I'll kill you." I shout seeing Sooyeon was being held by Tyler the lizard.

"Really? you can do it? What if I do this to her?" He starts to roam his hands to Sooyeon's neck. Fck it my girl is crying, Fuck you Tyler Kwon. I will kill you with my own bare hands. I don't care if you're a guy and you have men.

"Taeng! Sooyeon!" I look behind where the voice came from and the man I've been waiting for arrived. Just wait Kwon Lizard. Get ready to die.

"Lizard! Better take off your hands to my Sister." Kasper Oppa calmly said. I like how he handle everything calmly despite of the situation.

"Both of you are out of number, You can't  beat me after all especially you Kim Midget." What the fuck did he just call me? He had no rights to call me that if he's not Soshi.

"Really?" I smirked before looking at Kasper Oppa and we both nod as we take down the 10 Men surrounding us. Tyler look shock at what we did.

"So? Ever change your mind? Let go of my girl, she's hurting." I said calmly.

"Why would I do that? I still have 2 person with me." I can felt he's afraid because of his voice but he's still have some guts to smile huh? Who's this 2 person?

"Seol! Yul!" Yul? Kwon Yul? Kwon Yuri?! Don't tell me.......

Seolhyun came out the room followed by the familiar body of person.

"Y-yul?!" Why did I stutter? Yul? Why did you betray us?

"Hi Taeng, Sica, Kasper oppa." She smirked. My sight became blurry as my tears fell down non stop.

"It's time for you to die, Great Kim Taeyeon." Tyler took out the gun on his pocket and point it to me. He didn't hesitate to pull the trigger. I can't even move my own feet.

"Taeyeon!!" Sooyeon shout as she elbowed Tyler into the stomach and goes into me. I look at my hand and it's bleeding. I guess I got shot eh?

"Taengoo! Wakey wakey."

"Please fight, I want you. I need you, Kim Taeyeon." She's crying shit. I wiped her tears using my thumb.

"Take care of her, Kasper oppa." I start to be unconscious after that and the last words I heard from my wife was "I love you."

"Taengoo!!!" I woke up and saw we're still on the plane and I felt some liquid falling to my cheeks. So it's just a dream? A very bad dream. Sigh.

"Why are you crying? Are you having a bad dream?" She asked me, I can see she's worrying about me into her eyes.

It all started on Twitter. (Completed) | TaengSicWhere stories live. Discover now