Chapter 27

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No one's P.O.V

They do it until they ran out of energy and drifted to sleep.


They woke up at the same time with a smile on their face.

"Good morning, Hubby." Jessica hugs Taeyeon.

"Good morning too, Wifey." Taeyeon kissed her crown.

"Let's take a shower together." Taeyeon carried Jessica who's wrapped up in blanket. They took a bath together continuing what they started last night. The bathroom was now filled with sexy time again.

After taking a bath, they head outside to put on some clothes. Taeyeon finished first and went downstairs to prepare their breakfast.

In any minute, Jessica came down by the smell of delicious food. She saw Taeyeon was setting up the table and the utensils.

"I was about to call you upstairs but since you're here, let's eat now wifey." Taeyeon pulled out a chair for Jessica and sat beside her. They eat happily and just stay home to relax and rest because on Monday will be stressing for them. Taeyeon's phone starts to pop up notification.

"Who's that?" Jessica asked as she heard the notification

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"Who's that?" Jessica asked as she heard the notification.

"Soojung." Taeyeon answered.

"What does she want?" Asked again.

"Appa wants us back to Korea next week with Kasper." Taeyeon explained but didn't say what's the purpose of going back.

With Kasper? I wonder why. - Jessica thought but shrugged it off and continue to eat their breakfast.


Monday at TaengSic Entertainment.

"Wifey, I have a lunch meeting. Are you okay eating lunch alone? or you can just bring Eunjung or Jiyeon along." Taeyeon said while busy arranging some papers.

"It's okay. Take Eunjung with you, she's your secretary. I'll just ask Jiyeon to eat with me." Jessica smiled.

"Okay, Wifey. Make sure you'll eat okay? Gotta go, bye. I love you." She kissed Jessica's lips before heading out the office. Then after she called Jiyeon to come over to her office.

"Yes, Mrs. Kim?" Jiyeon went inside after knocking 3 times.

"Didn't I inform you to just call me Ms. Jessica??" She answered coldly, giving Jiyeon a glare making her knee tremble in fear.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Jessica. Do you need anything?" Jiyeon asked again.

"I just want to ask you if you want to join me to eat lunch. Taeyeon's having a lunch meeting so I'm alone. You're the only one I knew inside this company." Jessica looks lonely on the sight of Jiyeon so she accepted the offer.

It all started on Twitter. (Completed) | TaengSicWhere stories live. Discover now