Chapter 23

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"Just Joking, girls. Of course we would love to have a biological grandchild, right honey?" Mrs. Jung chuckled.

"Yes, Sorry if we made you sad for a mean time. We like to give you both our approval. But why do you have to ask us? You're married. You're both a woman now, you knew what you're doing." Mr. Jung

"We just want you to know so maybe you can tell us if it's dangerous or it'a safe. So we will continue it now. Thank you, Appa, Eomma, Appa Kim." Jessica and Taeyeon hugs their parents.

"By the way, Soojung-ah? Don't you have someone right now?" Mr. Kim teasing Krystal again.

"I have, Uncle." That answer made all of them shock.

"OH MY GOD, SOOJUNG? YOU HAVE??" Jessica widened her eyes when Krystal nods.

"Who is this unlucky person?" Taeyeon chuckled.

"Eommaaa, they're ganging up on meee!!" Krystal whined as they laugh at her childish antics.

"Oh, you just said earlier you're a WOMAN now? so what's with the whining??" Mrs. Jung followed TaengSic. Krystal just sighed knowing she will not win over them.


"So it's a girl too." Mr. Kim.

"Her name is Choi Sulli." Krystal shyly said.

"Sooyoung's little sister huh?" Taeyeon teased her again. Krystal nods.

"You have to make her meet us then, Sweetie." Mr. Jung said.

They spend their lunch there at Kim's with a little chitchatting and teasing Krystal.

"Baby Jung, do you mind if you take over me for a while at the company?" Jessica asked Krystal. Taeyeon, Jessica and Krystal were sitting on the couch watching some shows.

"No problem unnie."


TaengSic's House.

"I wonder when we'll find some donor, I can't wait to be a parent." Taeyeon

"So impatient."

*Ding Dong*

"We don't expect someone this day." Taeyeon said before going to the door and open it.

"Hi guys!" The 7 girls said.

"What are you all doing here?" Taeyeon questioned them.

"Duh, we will sleepover here. Did you see our bags here?" Sooyoung said pointing at their bags.

Then they went inside uninvited leaving Taeyeon dumbfounded.

"Wassup Sica! How you doin'?" Hyoyeon said with a little english accent.

"Where did you learn that, Choding?"

"Duh, I'm studying some english." Hyoyeon flips her hair before bringing her luggage into her designated room.

"I'll just call, Nicole. Hyoyeon needs some sweet time you know?" Jessica heads out to call her cousin.

"Change clothes now, We'll sleep over at my sceret room." Taeyeon winks at them.

"Does Jessica knows about that?" Tiffany asked.

"Nope, now go before I change my mind." They all ran into their designated room to change their clothes. Taeyeon shook her head and follows Jessica at the mini garden.

"Okay, Couz. See you later and don't forget to drive safe okay?" Jessica ends the call.

"You're so sweet, Wifey." Jessica turn around to see her Wife smiling sweetly to her.

It all started on Twitter. (Completed) | TaengSicWhere stories live. Discover now