Chapter 15

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After getting inside Yoona flopped herself into the bed and fell asleep.

"You can enjoy guys, I'll just take a rest my head hurts." Taeyeon lays herself beside Yoona who's now sleeping soundly.

On the other room.

"Aigoo, SeoJuHyun. Why do you have to drink so much." Tiffany and Sunny supporting Seohyun into the bed and tuck their maknae into the blankets.

After tucking Seohyun, they sat at the bed and chitchat for awhile before going to sleep.

"Jessi, your wedding will be next week. Are you readyyy?" Tiffany excitedly asked her.

"Of course duh. Who wouldn't get excited to get married, especially when it's Taeyeon." Jessica slightly rolled her eyes.

"I'm envious of you both! I wonder when will Sooyoung propose to me." Sunny whined.

"I think she's thinking about it, Give her some time Sunny. She's propose when she's ready." Tiffany said but they both noticed Jessica was a bit off since earlier.

"Hey, are you okay?" Tiffany asked her.

"Uh, Yeah." She shortly replied.

"We know there's something going on behind that head of yours. Come on, spill it. Spill the teaa." Sunny now turns to insist Jessica.

"I'm just thinking of Taeyeon's employee earlier. His eyes looks so sincere apologizing, he was about to burst into tears." Jessica let out what's bugging her.

"Shhh Jessi. Taeyeon had her reason why she did that. She hates when people doing or saying something bad to the people around her. But it's different Jessica, She loves you so much that's why she did that for your own good. She knew what she's doing. We all know Taeyeon, she might fired Baekhyun into the company but not in business." Tiffany explained but Jessica furrowed her eyebrows.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Jessica's curiousity hits her.

"As she said earlier, Baekhyun was the most trusted person by her father and Taetae herself. She fired Baekhyun into their company but she'll assign him into their lower business. Taeyeon is just giving Baekhyun some lecture of what he's done to the one she loves the most. But specifically, Taeyeon was really pissed off of him and the two others." She explained again that makes the teo latter nod.

"Taeyeon was such a great person." Sunny praised her bestfriend.

"Yeah, You and Taeyeon both deserved each other Jessi." Tiffany.

"Thank you, Tiff and Sunny." She hugged them and they finally decided to sleep for tomorrow.


Next morning

"Taeng, take a shower and wake up your fiancè. We will go fown first for breakfast make sure to follow us." Yuri said to Taeyeon who's reading some book early in the morning.

They all head to their girlfriend's room and went down to eat the breakfast from the hotel. Yoona and Sooyoung was the most excited because of the variety of foods for option.

Taeyeon quickly showered and goes into the other room seeing Jessica was still sleeping. She sits down beside her and stroke her hair for a minute.

Jessica felt some weight beside her so she slowly opened her eyes seeing Taeyeon infront of her.

"Good morning, baby." Taeyeon kissed Jessica's forehead and Jessica sits up slightly to hug Taeyeon.

"Someone's being clingy early in the morning." Taeyeon smiled at Jessica's antics.

"You smelled so good Taengoo." Jessica sniffs her scent, it's addictive for Jessica. Taeyeon was about to kiss Jessica in the lips but her fingers stop her making her frown.

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