Chapter 08

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Taeyeon and Jessica was waiting in the arrival for their friends.

The flight from Korea already landed a few minutes ago, so in any minute they will be together.

At last, They saw their tallest shikshin friend and waved at them. The airport was a bit crowded so they had to wave since they're both small, but Jessica was a bit taller so...

"We missed you guys!" They all hugged each other with Taeyeon on the middle, because it's their leader.

In the car

"Where do you guys want to have dinner?" Taeyeon said while driving.

"Anywhere unnie, as long as the food's delicious." Yoona taps her tummy and everyone laughs at her antics.

At the restaurant

"Order now guys, I'll just go to the restroom." Taeyeon excused herself.

Taeyeon's phone suddenly ring so she answered it first before going to the restroom.



Taeyeon was startled at the voice she heard. She silently pinch her thigh to make sure she's now hallucinating.

It's really her.

"What do you want?" Taeyeon said coldly.

"Don't you miss me Tae?"

"No, I don't. Go straight to point, I'm busy."

"Can we have a dinner? I mean I have something to talk about to you."

"Just talk right now, I'm out of country right now. Make it faster my friends are waiting for me."

"Yeah, my father said the engagement must continue whether I like it or not. I thought your father already informed you on this."

"What!? You must cancel it! I have a girlfriend Ji-Eun!"

"Really? but he's forcing me."

Taeyeon furiously ended the call and head back to their table.

"Taengoo, what happened? you look stressed." Jessica worriedly asked her, They're not sitting beside each other that's why the others look at Taeyeon.

"Nothing, did you already order?" Everyone nod and the food came.

"Taengoo, don't drink too many wine ok? I'll suffer." Jessica smirked and everyone laugh so loud even Taeyeon.

"Yes, Ms. Jung." Taeyeon salutes.

"Guys let's take a picture! I'll tweet it." Jessica took her phone out and capture their special moment that might not happen again.

" Jessica took her phone out and capture their special moment that might not happen again

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It all started on Twitter. (Completed) | TaengSicWhere stories live. Discover now