Chapter 38

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No ones's P.O.V

Jessica woke up in the middle of the night feeling dizzy. She look at her phone to see what time is it.

"2:37?" She groaned and saw Taeyeon wa still sleeping beside her. She managed to stand up and leave the room to drink some water to lessen her dizziness.

She didn't notice someone was in the living room because she walk straight into the refrigerator and grab some bottled water.

When she felt okay now, she goes back to the room and finally saw someone in the living room, drinking.

"Jiyeon? Why are you still drinking so early? Aren't you sleepy and tired?" Jessica fired her some questions.

"One at a time, Jessica. First question, I want to think clearly. Second, Yes I am tired but I am not sleepy." Jessica noticed Jiyeon was a little bit tipsy.

"Oh, okay then." Jessica was about to leave her when Jiyeon suddenly spoke again.

"Mrs. Kim?" Jiyeon looks up into her. Jessica looks at her too, and they locked-eyes.

"Can you drink with me? for a while?" Jiyeon's voice cracked a little bit.

"Sure, I'm not sleepy anyways." Jessica lied because she's still sleepy but she needs to accompany her assistant before she do anything she don't know.

"Do you want some drink, Mrs. Kim?" Jiyeon smiled sheepishly.

"Jiyeon-ah, it's Jessica okay? and yes I want some." Jiyeon smiled again and pours some beer in to the empty glass.

They both drink, without knowing someone's watching them closely. Jessica noticed Jiyeon's eyes became teary as she drank more beer.

"Hey, are you okay? Do you want to share something with me?" Jessica pats her back and leave it there soothing it.

"I-I'm okay, Jess." Jiyeon said.

"But your eyes was saying the opposite. Come on, I will listen. Not as your boss but as your friend." Jessica smiled still soothing her back.

"What do I have to do to move on?" Jiyeon's tears fell down saying those words.

"Why? Care to tell me the whole story?" Jessica felt sad about Jiyeon.

"I liked someone back then like very back then, some childhood friend I guess? Then our parents split us apart because I need to go overseas. Ever since that happened, I never be able to see her again. Until one time, she goes into the country I've been staying for. But it's already too late. She already have someone, that she'll never leave. And that someone is my bestfriend also since we learned Taekwondo lessons. I even learned Taekwondo to keep her safe. But too late again. And now I think I'm okay to be just close to her, as a friend. Even if I love her so much." Jiyeon smiled even if she's crying.

"Aw, I think you need to find someone who will know and appreciate your presence more. But sometimes you need to move before it's too late. Because you will regret it to your whole life. But set aside that, may I know who's this lucky person you love?" Jessica grab some tissues and wipes Jiyeon's tears.

It's you, Jessica. Please stop wiping my tears, and don't put your face closer into mine I might do something uncontrollably. - Jiyeon thought looking at Jessica's eyes.

"I might remain her as anonymous. But you know her, you know her well. She's beautiful, shorter than me, her beautiful eyes can attract both girls and boys. In short, she's perfect."

Eunjung? but she's the same height with Jiyeon, maybe Taeyeon? they're close as well and I know her so much. Maybe one of my friends? - Jessica's thought was filled with questions.

It all started on Twitter. (Completed) | TaengSicWhere stories live. Discover now