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Gen's POV

Why did I agree to this?

Ever since Isla had texted me, I've been packing.

So, what exactly do you wear to a concert of the people you don't like? I mean, I guess I could break out the 1D t-shirt I got three years ago.

Ok look, it's not that I hate the people.

I just don't understand.

Why obsess over five guys you'll never meet? And honestly, they're just full of themselves.  I mean, have you seen the way they look at the camera?  Eye roll.

Finally, after moments of thought, I finally decide to pack something nice. My thought process being if I'm going to be miserable, I might as well look halfway decent while doing it, so I throw together some simple outfits and go to my car to drive to Isla's house.

Of course, Isla would be the one to book a flight that leaves at 2 am. I have to be at her house at 11 because that's when she wanted to leave for the airport.  When we finally leave her house, then the airport is about two hours away and then we still have to wait for the plane.

When I see her, I'm going to step on her toe.


I know it's weird, but it still hurts and that's what I'm going for. Pain without effort.  That's my style.

I arrive at her house after the short drive, which is completely dark by the way because it's 2am let me remind you. IN THE MORNING.

I put my car into park, turn the ignition off, and walk towards Islas front door.  I knock softly and she opens the door with a big smile on her face, although it disappears when she see my face.

When I see her face though, I can't be mad. She looks so happy.

Fine, I decide. I'm going to suck it up and be happy for her and bear with meeting stuck up boys.

"I'm sorry," she says, handing me a cup of coffee.

I take a long drink.  The coffee makes me so happy, I try to remember what I was upset about.

"It's ok," I say, and we go inside her house to get the rest of her stuff together.

Once we do, we leave and get to the airport in record time but only because Isla's a speed demon on the road.  And because when she wants something related to why don't we, there's nothing stopping her.

Isla Stevens has been my best friend for seven years and we met way before she was hooked on Why Don't We.  I was just on the playground swinging, when a little girl came up and started talking.  I was very shy so I barely said a word.

Isla being Isla however, would not leave me until I had said a full sentence.  After that, the friendship was already in the books.  She became a fan of why don't we after finding one of the guys through a Shawn Mendes cover.  Don't ask me which one because I couldn't tell you.

The airport's quiet(surprise considering its 1 am) with only a few other cars besides hers. Airports are so big and I regret packing a suitcase.  I totally could've gotten away with a backpack.

I think right now I could sleep anywhere.  Even that bench that's a foot wide and two feet long.

We walk past about ten terminals before we approach our own.  I sigh, and set my stuff down.

"I'm going to sleep," Isla says, and promptly sits down on one of the hard plastic chairs.

"I'm getting coffee," I say and Isla nods.

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