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WARNING: this chapter is INCREDIBLY long so get ready for a whole ride! Grab some popcorn and let's get started!

five years ago
(Gen would be 14)
Third Person

"Isla, where are we going?" A young Gen ran behind Isla, laughing happily.  They ran between large groups of people, dodging and trying to not hurt anyone.

It was the annual carnival in their hometown, a small town in Southern California.

"We're going to meet Braden!  And he said he brought the new kid," Isla replied as they continued to sprint across the grounds.

Braden was Isla's boyfriend.  They hadn't been together very long, just a few short months, but already the couple was looking to try matchmaking and the target was Gen.

"The new guy?" Gen asked, confused.  Why did they decide to bring him along?

Gen was happy being the third wheel, as she got to get away from her parents who were almost never happy.  It didn't matter if Isla and Braden were ice skating as a couple and she trailed behind them or if they went to restaurants and she had to sit in a separate booth, she was still happy.

The two girls finally approached the two boys who stood patiently waiting for them outside the Ferris wheel.

"Hi, Braden," Isla said, giving her boyfriend a small hug.

When they pulled apart they looked at Gen and the boy, hoping to see a spark but were sad when the two looked very uncomfortable.

"So, Braden," Isla started. "Who's this guy?"

Thankfully, Braden got the hint.

"Oh!  So, Gen, this is Asher Thurmon," he said and pushed them closer together.

They both stumbled forward, and awkwardly said hi to each other.

"Well, Braden, you see that random game that's really far from us?  Yeah, let's go play that.  Bye, Gen!  Have fun!" Isla said shoving Braden some direction.

Gen stared at her feet, her shoe kicking the dirt.

"So, they tried to set us up huh?" Asher asked.

"Yeah, I guess so," Gen said. She looked up  and finally got a good look at the boy.  He's very attractive with dark brown hair and brown eyes.

"So do you wanna go on the Ferris wheel?" She asked, trying to break the awkward tension.

"Yes please.  We need to break this awkwardness between us," he said and walked with her to the line.

While waiting for the ride the two talked and all tension seemed to melt away like ice.  When they got to the front of the line, you would have never guessed that they had met each other twenty minutes ago.

The man operating the ride let the two on and slid the bar into place so that they wouldn't fall off the ride.

"Wow, this is really pretty," Gen said looking out at the view.

"It is," Asher agreed, and the two took a commemorative photo so they'd remember the start of a new friendship.

"You know what would be really funny?" Asher asked Gen.

"Hmm," Gen's brown eyes were wide with curiosity.

"We should pretend we can't stand each other. That would make Braden and Isla so uncomfortable," Asher explained and Gen quickly agreed.

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