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I'm a nervous wreck.

Like seriously.  I know I've said it before but now I'm a maniac.  My room is proof of just how ridiculous I am.

Everything was perfectly clean.  See when I'm stressed I clean.  So my room is practically sparkling with the amount of windex I've used.

What wasn't clean was my brain.  I was in a state of madness.

I want to push Daniel away to protect him and at the same time, pull him closer and never let him go.  I'm sure as soon as he said hi, I would fall into his arms and hold him.  But I need to protect him.

But from what, my mind thinks.  What is so dangerous that I have to protect him from it?  Last time someone needed protecting it wasn't him.  He wasn't the one who got kidnapped.

I keep clicking on my tv remote, trying to ignore my brain's rapid thoughts.

A knock echoes in my room, making me yelp and toss my remote.  It falls back into my hands as I say "Come in."

Daniel Seavey was the last person I expected to walk through the door.  I thought it would've been my mom, and then maybe even Ariana Grande was more likely to walk in than him.

All the color drains from my face as I stare at him.  How does he look good?  I mean, he looks like he just took a long flight and a long drive to get here but man he looks so good.  His more blonde than brown hair is all messy and his eyes are still bluer than the Pacific Ocean.

"Hey, Gen," he says, standing by the door.  My bed is in the corner of the the room, which is directly opposite of the door, making our distance even more large.

His voice is raspy and it's honestly really hot.

"Hey, Daniel," I say.

We avoid eye contact and Daniel rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.

He steps forward suddenly.  "Can I sit on your bed?"

I find myself nodding and a few seconds later, he's sitting across from me, a small smile on his face.

"So, I just wanted to say sorry again for exposing everything about Asher and you to the world," he starts.

"No, it's ok.  I'm glad the truth is out.  I'm so tired of lying to people," I say, which is completely true.  And I'm also tired of lying about how I feel.  I want Daniel.  I don't want to push him away.

"I feel kind of bad.  But I did tell Caroline about us, or the lack thereof," he says with an awkward chuckle.

I nod thoughtfully.  He was being so honest and here I was, lying through my teeth about how I wanted space from him.

I place one of my hands over his. He looks up at me, his blue eyes surprised.

"Daniel, can I tell you something?"

"Anything, angel," he says immediately.  I blush at his nickname.  He hasn't called me that in a while.

I can feel the emotions build up inside of me and I don't want to cry, so I just throw my arms around Daniel and bury my head into his chest.

His arms close in around me and I know he's confused as to why I'm suddenly all up in his space.  But he doesn't say anything.  All he does is hold me and rub my back.

I pull away after a few minutes and see that Daniel's staring into my eyes, a concerned look plastered on his face.

"Is everything ok?" He asks.

The tears are building behind my eyes so I stand up and turn away from him as I rub under my eyes.

"I don't know," I reply truthfully.

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