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Daniel's POV

I cant sleep.  Trust me, I've been trying.  For about six hours now.  I got in my bed at 10pm and nows it's 4am.

I lay on my back, Kobe at my feet and I stare at the dark ceiling. The reason I can't sleep is because I keep having nightmares about Gen.

I know she doesn't want me to worry but wouldn't you be worried if your girlfriend or boyfriend got kidnapped?

I just woke up to my third nightmare of the night. In this one, Gen was riding on a boat with me when she suddenly got dragged down by a giant octopus.

When I opened my eyes, there was sweat in my hair and goosebumps on my arms. I shivered involuntarily. I can't do this. I need to help Gen however I can.

I roll over and start scrolling through social media.  After a few minutes a notification appears on my screen.  It's Gen.

Hurriedly, I open Twitter to look at the tweet.  She's ok.  Thank goodness.  My heart starts to return to normal.

All of a sudden, the door of my room is thrown open and four boys shuffle inside. The light is turned on, blinding all of us.

"We saw Gen's tweet," Corbyn starts, running his hands through his messy hair as he looks at me with a serious expression.

"Yeah, I just saw it too," I say.

"Are you even doing anything about it?" Zach asks.

I look at him. "Yes, I just was going to get up before you guys came in. Why did you come in anyways?" I question, as I get up and start to shove things into a bag.

"We're coming with you, duh," Jonah answers.

"What? No you're not. I'm going after Gen by myself" I state.

"You can't go by yourself. It's to dangerous," Jack interjects.

"Well, if anyone gets hurt, it's going to be me. I don't what you to get hurt because of my mistake," I say, finally throwing my backpack on my back.

"Daniel, please let us come," Corbyn pleads.

"No," I tell them, before leaving the house.

I drive as fast as I can the whole way there, my hands angrily clutching the steering wheel.

How am I supposed to find Gen though? I haven't even actually thought this all the way through. A rush of anger runs through my body, making my hand hit the steering wheel.

Whatever. I'll keep driving. However long I have to to find her. Whatever it takes. She's not going to die. I'm not letting her down again.

The sun slowly rises as the amount of time I spend driving increases. It's about 6am. When I first started out, there was a full tank of gas in my car and now there's almost an empty tank.

I sigh and start looking around for a gas station. There's a small building a little bit in front of me. When I finally approach it, I'm pleased to find that it is indeed a gas station.

Pulling beside one of the pump stations, I prepare my car to fill with gas. Just for precaution, I put on a beanie and some glasses, hoping it'll conceal me well enough.

Only one other car is in the gas station. It looks very old and the trim is fading. I shrug and start filling the gas up.

While I'm in the middle of that, the door of the gas station opens, and two people walk out. A man and a female, holding two drinks. The man looks upset, kind of like he just lost his keys. The woman looks frustrated too but I can only tell because her eyebrows are very knit together.

I keep my head down so they don't feel like I'm staring at them. They start to talk.

"Tom how could you lose a girl?  She was half delirious when she ran off!" The woman cries out, hitting the mans arm.

"I don't know," he mutters.  He was very reserved in his appearance, almost curling into himself when he walked around.

"It should not be that hard to keep your eye on a teenage girl," the lady says as if that's very obvious.

"I didn't know she was going to run into the forest.  And by the time I saw her, she was already halfway there," he complains.  "I tried my best Lisa"

"No excuses Tom.  It's unacceptable,". She shakes her head sadly.

"Well what do you want to do?  Wait for her until she comes out of the forest and then put her back in our car again and get to our location that we were supposed to be at right now?" He asks.

"Precisely!" the lady says.  She sniles, happy he got one question correct.

The man frowns. "I'm tired of waiting," he mumbled.

"Me too. Let's go after her," Lisa says.

The man smiles creepily as the woman speaks once again. I decide to start walking towards my car.

"Oh that girl is gonna be upset she messed with our Ash," the lady says and I stop in my tracks.

Wait.  Gen was talking about a gas station. This is a gas station. She was talking about escaping. They were talking about a girl they had escaping.

I look around after I put the gas pump back. There's a gigantic forest about a hundred feet away from this little gas station.

I try not to draw to much attention to myself as I get in my car, my brain finally starting to put the pieces together.

The adults were talking about having needing to find a teenage girl. Well Gen was technically 19 which still has the word "teen" in it.

And to top the cake, they said Ash.

Gen dated Asher Thurmon. Ash is a nickname for Asher.

Which means...

The people who kidnapped Gen are....Asher's parents?

Oh my gosh I need to find Gen right now.


Did you gasp? I did haha

Anyways I know Daniel has a Tesla and I think those run on battery not gas but my point still stands lol

Please let me know if you like the story

Hope you enjoyed


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