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Sometimes I wonder what it's like to die.

Are you finally peaceful?

Does it hurt?

Do you even know if you are dead?

Right now, I feel calm.

Everything is silent, kind of like when you float on your back in a pool.

It's serene.

And then, it starts to get louder.

And louder.

Until there's so much sound, it hurts my head.

And then I open my eyes.

The light blinds me first.

I'm in a hospital room.

My body's a little numb, but I sit up slightly, trying not to disturb the wires around me.

Corbyn, Jonah, Zach, and Jack, are all on the floor leaning against each other sleeping, and my heart warms that they're here.

And then my heart sinks, as if it was dropped from the top of the Empire State Building.  Daniel's not here.

And then it hits me.

We broke up.

Tears fill my eyes but they don't fall.  All I can do is just breathe slowly.   I don't have anything left to cry.  I feel like a hollow shell of a person.

The door opens quietly and a nurse appears.

"Are you feeling ok?" She whispers.

I nod, and she walks towards me.  She starts to move the machines around me.

"What happened?" I ask.

She grabs my clothes from a table and hands them to me.

"You had an anxiety attack," she responds.

I take the clothes. "I've never had an anxiety attack before," I tell her.

"Well, did something traumatize you to cause it?"

I think back to Daniel.  I was pretty upset.

I nod, and she gives a half smile.

"You change, and I'll grab some medication that should help,"

I quickly change, praying one of the boys doesn't decide to randomly wake up.

When I'm done, I go over and wake them all up.

Jonah's the first to wake up and he looks at me before hugging me tightly.

The other boys join in, and we get knocked to the floor with all the weight of all of them.

"What happened?"

"Are you ok"

"How're you doing?"

So many questions are being thrown at me I can't even think.

"I had an anxiety attack. Yes, I'm ok, and I'm doing fine except y'all are heavy," I say.

They get off me and we all stand up.

Zach scratches the back of his neck. "So what happened between you and Daniel?"

All the boys look at him with a dirty look, and Zach shrinks back.

"Never mind, you don't have to answer it" he hurriedly adds.

"It's ok.  We broke up," I say sadly.

"Did you tell him that you knew about Caroline?" Jonah asks me.

I shake my head.  "I wanted to but Daniel looked so broken and right as I wanted to tell him, he started yelling at me," I explain.

"I'm sorry" Corbyn says, and I give him a small smile.  If I say anything I'll cry.

The boys phone ring and then all look at it simultaneously.

"Gen, we need to take you outside.  Randy says there's a car ready to take you home." Jonah says.

"'Home?" I ask.

"Yeah, Randy figured that you wouldn't want to stay on tour with us because of Caroline and you know, the other thing" Jack explains.

"Oh, ok" I say.

We stand there for a moment.

"I'll miss you guys." I say.

"We'll miss you too, Gen.   We all really liked you," Zach says.

I individually hug them, and I feel a small tear roll down my face.

After I've hugged them all, I let them lead me outside where a black car is waiting.

I walk over to it, wave goodbye, and get inside.

The car pulls away and I watch the boys get smaller and smaller until I can't see them.

"Hey, Gen"

I turn and look at who's sitting in the car.


"Yours truly.  And Randy's here of course," Asher says pointing to the guy driving.

"What're you doing here?" I ask.

"You belong to him now," Randy says.

"Excuse me?  I don't belong to anyone" I try to stand up for myself.

"Not really.  Since you were supposed to be on tour with Why Don't We until it ended, but now you're not, Randy gave your contract to me so you have to be on my tour until it ends.

I suddenly feel like I'm gonna throw up.

I have to spend time with Asher?

"we're gonna have some fun," Asher says with a hint of evil in his voice.


It's been a hot minute so sorry about that lol.

Anyways, updating for this book is gonna be rocky.

Hope you enjoyed,


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