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Daniel's POV

Today has been a long day.

But at least I'm dating Gen again and all is well. We've been calling a lot. I manage to get away from Caroline more often and when I have spare time in the studio, I text her.

I have no idea what Asher is planning on doing with Gen. I mean he took her on tour, so nothing good will come out of that. I've been trying to keep up with his socials and make sure he's not hurting her.

The thought of Asher touching a hair on her head makes my blood boil hotter than the Sahara. If he hurts her in any way, I'll end him.

I realize that the pencil that was in my hand had snapped due to the anger that filled my body just thinking about Asher.

I sigh and throw the pencil away, grabbing a new pencil and looking at the paper in my hands.

We are working on a new song for the album, and I can't concentrate on the lyrics. I had only successfully written about two lines and even those sounded bad.

I almost have a good idea before the door opens and my thought dissipates faster than water on a hot skillet.

I look up. It's Randy. A scowl forms on my face before I realize it and I smile instead.

He looks at me before sitting down in front of me.

"Daniel, are you busy?" he asks.

No, I'm just working on a song for my career. Of course I'm not busy.  I set down the paper and look at him, shaking my head.

"Great. Get changed and go to your interview," Randy demands.

What interview?

"What interview?" I echo my thoughts.

"You're on The Today Show talking about how you're not dating Ms. Scott and you're dating Caroline," he explains.

Oh right, that interview. The one I really didn't want to do.

"I'll text your driver the address. You'll also need to post in your socials about it," he says firmly before leaving.

I sigh. Of course he would make me post about it. Just another way to rub it in Gen's face.

But, my mind reminds me, at least you're dating her now.

I smile at the thought. No matter who I'm "dating" I'm always dating Gen.



hey angel

hey seavey
what's up?

well i just wanted you to know
that i'm going on the today show
to publicly say that i don't know who you are

let me guess: ✨randy's idea✨

you got it:(

it's ok seavey
i know you know who i am

gen, i want you to know that
i'm so happy to date you and
i wouldnt want to date anyone else

not soft daniel bye

I can't help it ur so baby

i'm gonna cry

no don't
i won't be there to cuddle you if you do


probably shouldn't have said that

yeah you shouldn't have
my mom just watched me sob


not funny seavey


ugh ur cute i can't stay mad at you

the perks of being perfect


um yes
oh hey i gtg to my interview


143 angel


The drive is very quiet, the only sound being the faint music in the background.

Once I get there, I'm ushered inside a large building.  The lady who's leading me, takes me to this large white room with many cameras set up.  In the center is a chair where I'm supposed to be sitting.

I get moved over to another chair where multiple people come at me with makeup brushes, making my skin and hair look good.

Another lady walks up to me.  She has dark brown hair and a big smile.  She's holding one single piece of paper which she keeps glancing at.

"Hello, Daniel.  My names Renata Henry.  I run the Today Show.  Randy called me this morning and you're just doing a statement for us?" She asks.

I nod.

"Here's a script for you.  Randy emailed it to me and says you should look it over so you don't make any mistakes," she says the last word slowly.

I take the paper from her hands and look at it.

"How long will this take?" I ask, reading over the paper.


Points to discuss:

• Ms. Scott does not matter

• Make your statement clear and to the point

• No stupid facials(I will be watching)


"It should only take half an hour.  We still want a full interview," she says.

I nod again.  I honestly have nothing to say.  I don't want to be here.  I can think of a million other things I'd rather do.

"We'll be live in five," she adds before walking away.

The makeup people continue to mess with my appearance until everyone's ready.

I walk into the middle of the set, siting in the chair, and turning to face Renata.

"Ok guys, we're live in 3...2...1" the guy says.

Here we go, I think.  Sorry Gen.


yes another one I'm on a roll! DOUBLE UPDATE YAY

Hope you enjoyed


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