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I'm frozen. And not like Olaf singing about summer or something like that. I think I'm euniely frozen as an icicle.

Like, I knew and now I know that Chicago is freaking cold but like this is something worse. It's cold and it's windy and I only had a lightweight jacket and Daniel to keep me warm(he was really good about it too)

But, now here I am, behind a tree, shivering for my life. The couple hasn't tried to come into the forest and I haven't tried to run deeper into the forest. I mean, if you've seen like any movie pretty much, running really deep into a forest is never really a good idea. I mean, unless you're Snow White and then you get 7 kids to take care of and a prince to kiss you from your poison induced death/coma.

But I am not Snow White and this is not a fairy tale. I seriously doubt Daniel will be able to find me. I didn't want him to come after me.  If he does, and the two find out about, he's probably as good as dead.  And I promised myself I wouldn't let him get hurt.  I'd rather die than him.

I pull my jacket tighter around my shoulders and peer out at the gas station to see their car parked and the two sitting inside it. They just nod their heads along to some music as if they don't have a care in the world and could wait for another two days for me to come out of hiding.

I, on the other hand, need to get out of here. The floor is cold. The air is cold. I am cold. My fingers and toes have lost feeling, and since I've curled up so that I could keep warm, my legs and arms are partly numb and frozen.

Time lapses, and every few minutes I glance up to see the car is still there.  At this point, it's gotten so cold, that small pieces of ice have appeared in my hair, freezing my scalp beyond the point of normal.

Snow has been falling for a few minutes now and I hear a car run over the snow, crushing it under the tire.

I glance up.  It's a white Tesla.  A very nice car for such a far out place.  It almost looks like Daniel's Tesla.  But Daniel couldn't possibly be here.  He shouldn't be here. 

You know what, maybe he was just driving around and happened to stop?

I pray silently as I watch the door open and a person gets out.  It's definitely Daniel.  Even though he's wearing a beanie and glasses, I recognize his hair immediately.

He fills his gas like normal, not paying any mind to the people beside his car. After he completes the task, he looks up and around, as if he's admiring the view. Then he just gets into his car like normal, turning the ignition on. He sits for a few moments before putting his car in a different gear and driving forward.

He drives past the forest not even giving it a second glance and I breathe a sigh of relief.  When I look back at the gas station, the car is empty.

My eyes widen and my heart stops beating.  Where are they?  Where did they go?

Fears and panic starts building up inside my chest and it gets harder and harder to breathe.  I try to run my hands though my hair to calm down but all the ice is disturbing the serenity that I'm supposed to feel.

It's early in the morning and the sun hasn't yet risen, and if it has, it's a very minimal amount.  Noises all around me suddenly become more profound.  All the calls that animals are making turn into a loud symphony.  Those sounds.  Are those footprints?  Or another animal?

I go to stand up.  I need to be on the move so they can't find me.

I shake my legs and arms out before heading off in some direction.  I hope I'm creating distance between me and my kidnappers and not shortening it.

I run whichever way seems right.  I keep turning and maneuvering between trees until I no idea where I was coming from and where I was going.

The sound of footsteps follows my ears and it's getting closer to me.  I hold in my scream and start sprinting in some direction.

The footsteps start following me and my heart is beating so loud, it's like a concert in my chest.

The adrenaline has never been so strong .  I keep running but to my dismay the footsteps are always close behind.

I keep running.

And running.

I can feel the adrenaline start to fade now.  My legs want to give out and doing exercise makes me colder than if I had just stood still.

But I keep going.

I make the mistake to turn around. I twist my head back to look behind me.  There's no one.

When I turn back around, I slam into something.  It's a person. We fall to the floor, me on top. 

I'm going to die.  This is where it ends.  I can't die like this.  I'm to young.

I go to scream but a hand covers my mouth, silencing my sounds. 

"Now that's not very nice of you, Ms. Genevieve," a voice says.


Who do you think it is??

What do you thinks going to happen?

Hope you enjoyed.


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