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Gen's POV

We finally arrive at the hotel which isn't far from the concert venue, but I'm totally drained.

The hotel is what you would expect, you know a simple room, but right now, the bed looks like the happiest place on earth. I plop down on it and sigh with happiness.

"You seem happy," Isla notices, and I smile and shake my head.

Daniel's my secret right now.

"Oh nothing, I'm just glad that the flight it over," I say, which is true since flying was a terrible experience in itself.

"Oh my gosh!  The guy that sat next to me was totally disgusting and at least over fifty and he looked like he hadn't shaved for twenty years.  Ugh, he was so gross.  Who'd you sit by?" Isla asks.

I think back to Daniel.  Um, a perfect angel.  No, I can't say that.

"Oh, you know, some random guy," I say.

"Was he cute?" She asks.

I shake my head.  Sorry Daniel.  "Nope, not at all,"

"Well that's to bad.  It's always been one of my dreams to meet a cute boy on an airplane and fall in love with him," Isla says and I inwardly laugh.

Speaking of, I just remembered that he wanted me to check my camera roll.

I roll over and grab my phone opening my camera roll.

I scroll to the end to find some silly selfies he took and one picture of his contact information with his number.

What a sneaky kid.  I smile and punch his number in my phone and text him.


airplane boi✈️

hey airplane boi:)

i see you checked your camera roll

    yeah, i did

aren't you glad you now get
to text me all the time?

    haha, you wish

i do wish

    well, anyways, can you keep
    me company at this stupid concert?

i wish i could but i'm slightly invested
in something else

    well, that's to bad
    maybe we should meet up
    and do something


    ok awesome
    just tell me when and where

for starters, tomorrow night
8 o clock. don't be late
and wear something cute
assuming you don't hate me

    why would I hate you?

hey, i gotta go but let's talk later

    daniel, why would i hate you?


    are you leaving me on read?

    that's mean

    ok, bye
read 8:28

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