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Daniel's POV

What just happened?

Gen got kidnapped. And I basically did nothing.

It had only taken me so long because I kept trying to take pictures but I didn't want to cause a scene so I ended up walking around the Bean for about an hour just waiting for more people to leave.

When I finally got a good picture I started jogging back to Gen, eager to apologize and go back to the bus. It was getting darker however so it was hard to see farther than 10 feet in front of me.

When I could see the car that we came here in, I could see Gen's figure standing in front of the car.  She looked so miserable and I felt so bad.

"Hey Gen, sorry that took so long I-" I started to say when all of a sudden a figure behind Gen swings an arm around her neck, holding something to her face. Instantly, Gen's head starts tipping to the side, as if it just became very heavy.

I started sprinting towards her as I see her try to swing at the person but she doesn't do much as she seems delirious.  The person suddenly picked her up and put her over their shoulder.

"Daniel!" She yelled frantically.

My heart dropped to my stomach and my adrenaline kicked in so much harder.

I finally approached the person. They're probably about my height but they're at least twice my weight. Nonetheless, I raised my hands which are tightly clenched and try to look for an open shot. Unfortunately, I can't do anything without hurting Gen. I swear, if I ever put a bruise on her body, I don't know what I'd do.

I'm frantic. I can't lose Gen. She's my foundation. My rock.

"Don't do this! Please! She means the world to me" I begged.

"If you want her safe, you'll stay away," the guy responded.

All of a sudden, I got hit right in the eye. I groaned in pain before falling to the ground.


Pain rushed through my eye, making my vision blurry.

I could hear feet shuffling and I know that that guy's carrying her away from me, so I try to summon as much energy as I can, but to no avail, I can't get up.

A car roared to life and the door was opened and Gen was forcefully thrown in.

Why can't I get up? I have to.

I struggled to move my arms and legs and finally I got on a knee. The car's lights turned on as the car started driving away.

It's finally like it clicked because I started sprinting in the direction that the car was leaving but I could barely see with all the blood rushing through my eye.

I tripped over a curb and fell to the ground, my ankle crushing under my body pathetically. I hit my face on the concrete and a small stream of blood hit the asphalt. All I could was roll over and lay there.

But I pulled my phone out, my fingers throbbing in agony.

I'm not even sure who I dialed but I held the phone up to my ear as it rang. The person picked up on the third ring.

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