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Daniel's POV

"Isn't this nice?" Caroline whispers in my ear.

I honestly want to throw up.  I mean, I guess there's nothing wrong with Caroline except for the fact that she's not Gen.  I messed up.  Big time.  I yelled at Gen, and I hurt her.  I would do anything to go back and change that.

Why couldn't I just tell her that I was fake dating? Well Randy forbade me from saying anything and as much as I wanted to tell Gen the truth, I know that Randy could destroy my career with a few calls.

And now I'm stuck with this random girl, who's throwing herself at me.  We are watching a movie with the boys, and she insists on laying on top of me and cuddling me.

I do everything in my will to not just slap her and run away to Gen, but Randy was really aggressive about being nice to her.

"Yup," I say shortly.

"Are you ok, babe?" She asks.

"It's Daniel.  I'm fine.  Now pay attention to the movie," I say, and she sighs before turning her attention to the movie playing.

I pull out my phone.



Corbyn have you talked to gen?


Please don't be mad
I had to do it

You had to yell at Gen?

No, i mean i had to date Caroline


I'm sorry
I really want to apologize

Then do it

i can't

Why not?

Randy won't let me

Well do something or
gen's gonna hate you

I will, I promise
Read at 7:57 pm


What am I supposed to do?

I really want to apologize but Gen won't respond to my texts and Randy forbids me from even seeing her for some odd reason.

"Let's do something!" Caroline suggests.

"Like what?" I ask, scrolling on my phone.

"Can we get ice cream?" She asks.

I look at Randy who's staring at me.

"Yeah, I guess," I say, grabbing my coat and heading out the door, leaving her to follow me.

We get an Uber to an ice cream parlor that is apparently Caroline's favorite and I make sure to try to hide my face so people don't recognize us.

I get one scoop of vanilla and I walk outside.

"Isn't this nice?" Caroline repeats as she walks out the door. She leans her head on my shoulder.

"Yup," I lie. I see a few paparazzi milling around. They hadn't seen us yet.

"We better go before we get phot-"

"Hey guys! Over here!" Caroline yells and suddenly all the paparazzi start flooding our way.

I grimace. I guess Randy had put her up to this.

I smile briefly at the camera, hoping they will take one shot and leave us in peace but after one shot is taken, the lights keep flashing.

My eyes are starting to hurt from the light but Caroline's eating the attention up.

She wraps her arms around my neck and poses, smiling an award winning grin. She knew what to do to look good in front of a camera.

I really didn't care what I looked like. All I can think about was Gen. What was she gonna think about when she saw these photos? She'd be even more hurt.

"We need to go," I urge Caroline.

She looks at me with an upset look. I give her a look back and she shrinks under my glare.

"Ok, let's go," she says.

We stand up, and the photographers get closer.

"So, are you guys official?"

"What's your favorite drink Daniel?"

"Caroline, are you planning on expanding your career besides modeling?"

I ignore the questions and keep walking towards the car.

"How long have you guys been together?"

"Can we get a candid of you two?"

"How could you just dump Genevieve Scott like that?"

The last question stopped me in my tracks. I didn't dump Gen.  Ok maybe I yelled and told her we should break up but only because of Randy.

I would've never in my right mind broken up with her.

Hey, it was either break up with her or never speak to her again.  I wish I could explain it to her.

Maybe then I could fix all the problems.


Holy poop.  I haven't updated in like 2 months.

Sorry.  I'll be writing more tonight:)

Hope you enjoyed,


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