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asherthurmon: link in bio for tickets to my next few shows!

pc: @genscott


username: ur so hot how

username: why is Gen taking pics

username: isn't she with Daniel

username: I bought two!

natalieevans: awful photographer
^username: no one likes you

username: I ship
^username: no❤️


liked by seaveydaniel and 316,278 others

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liked by seaveydaniel and 316,278 others

genscott: all I wanna do


username: gorgeous

username: can I please be you?

username: ur smile looks fake:(
^username: hope she's ok

username: hsm?

seaveydaniel: dang she caught golden hour🤩

username: didnt Daniel break up with her?
^username: maybe they're still friends?
^genscott and seaveydaniel both liked this comment


liked by corbynbesson, genscott, and 512,879 others

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liked by corbynbesson, genscott, and
512,879 others

seaveydaniel: is be with you:)


username: I'm in love

username: ur so hot

username: have my children

username: wait his caption. is he finishing @genscott caption?
^username: was literally thinking this

username: marry me

genscott: clever caption
^seaveydaniel: I know



asherthurmon: boutta head for tour with @genscott

11:36 am • 10/01/20 • Twitter for iPhone
281 retweets and comments             14.6k likes


seaveydaniel: i miss you

12:56 pm • 10/01/20 • Twitter for iPhone
2.7 retweets and comments 56.3 likes


genscott: can you hold me?

1:34 pm • 10/01/20 • Twitter for iPhone
678 retweets and comments 4728 likes


islastevens: secret love song

2:17 pm • 10/01/20 • Twitter for iPhone
946 retweets and comments 10.9 k likes


seaveydaniel: why can't I hold you in the street?

4:21 pm • 10/01/20 • Twitter for iPhone
1.9 retweets and comments 92.5k likes


genscott: why can't you kiss me on the dance floor?

4:23 pm • 10/01/20 • Twitter for iPhone
726 retweets and comments 7236 likes


seaveydaniel: i wish that we could be like that

4:24 pm • 10/01/20 • Twitter for iPhone
1.3 k retweets and comments 103.7k likes


genscott: 143

4:25 pm • 10/01/20 • Twitter for iPhone
1.1k retweets and comments 10.5k likes


seaveydaniel: stream 8 letters

4:25 pm • 10/01/20 • Twitter for iPhone
2.6k retweets and comments 89.6k likes


that was a whole ride

I'm gonna go through and edit all these chapters so yeah

Hope you enjoyed:)


one flight (djs)Where stories live. Discover now