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From now on, if the POV is not otherwise said, it is Gen's.

I glance at the screen.

Asher's back?  Good grief.

He commented on my recent and I guess I didn't get the notification but he had also dmed me a bunch of times with his sorry apology. I was done with him!  Couldn't he see that I had moved on a long time ago?

Clearly not.

I had blocked. him and deleted all the messages. Wouldn't a normal person get the hint and move on?I just wanted him to leave me alone once and for all.

"I saw that Asher commented," Isla says to me.

"Yeah, and he dmed me a bunch of times," I say.

"What is wrong with him?  Hasn't he already got what he wanted?  Fame and attention?" Isla asks sitting down beside me.

"And he has a new girlfriend, this Natalie girl." I open instagram to show Isla who Natalie is.

Isla looks at them.

"That looks staged," Isla replies before opening twitter.

"I'm not sure. That was the girl he cheated on me with. And that whole incident happened two years ago, so they probably kinda like each other. Either that or she's giving him more fame or something" I explain.

We sit in silence for a couple moments before the boys come in.  Except for Daniel.

"We have a problem," Jonah starts and I'm instantly scared.

"Not the best way to start a nice conversation, but go ahead.  What's the matter?" I ask.

"Well, we all saw your instagram post although Daniel banned us from liking anything because he doesn't want anyone being suspicious, but we all saw Asher's comment and that he follows you.  So what's the deal?" Corbyn asks.

"Yeah, how do you know him?  You don't seem like the kind of person to support his kind of music," Jack adds.

I take a deep breath.  I guess it's now or never.

"You know that video that made Asher famous?" I ask.

"You mean the one about his ex cheating on him?" Zach questions and I nod.  "Sorry but that video was dumb" Zach interjects.

"Yeah, we all know about that.  Does it have something to do with you?" Corbyn asks.

"Well, I was the ex," I say quietly and the boys gasp simultaneously.

"Wait, you cheated on Asher?" Zach questions, confused.

"No! Of course not.  That's not what happened.  He cheated on me, not the other way around." I explain.

"So, let me guess, he wants to get back with you?" Jonah looks at me curiously.

"Yeah, he tried to dm me a bunch of times but I deleted them,"

"Does Daniel know?" Jack asks me and I shake my head.

"No, I haven't told him, but please don't tell him.  I want to tell him about Asher myself," I say.

"You better hurry, he's already really confused about it too," Jonah replies.

"I...I will," I say, and Isla gasps.

"Oh my gosh!" She says and we all look at her.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Look at this," she says and shoves her phone in my face.

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