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Gen's POV
present day

I hate thinking about Asher.

"Gen! Are you ok?" A frantic Daniel asks outside the door.

I splash some water on my face, try to get myself together, and open the door.

Daniel is pacing back and forth.

"Are you ok?" He repeats.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I lie.

"Do you not like Las Vegas or something?"

Oh keep it together.

"It's not my favorite place.  I've been there once before, and something bad happened but I don't want to talk about it," I say and Isla comes sprinting up to me.

"Hey, Daniel can I steal Gen from you for a second?" She asks, and before Daniel can say anything, she grabs my shoulders and pulls me away.

"I heard about Las Vegas.  Do you think you'll be ok?" She whispers in my ear.

"I have no idea.  Daniel mentioned it once and I almost threw up.  I don't know if I could actually handle being there.  It's to much and even though its been a couple years it's to fresh," I say.

"We don't have to go," Isla says.  "I could just say you're not feeling well or something,"

"No, because I don't want Daniel to suspect anything," I say.

"But don't you think he would notice you being anxious and stressed if they do go to Las Vegas?" Isla asks.

"Isla, I don't know!" I say exasperated.

"I'm sorry Gen, I didn't mean to upset you.  I just...I think you need to tell Daniel.  He's bound to figure it out eventually.  Asher's famous and Daniel's famous.  I'm sure they've run in the same circles,"

"You're right," I say.  "But, I can't tell Daniel just yet.  Our relationship is so...nice.  I don't want to hand off my baggage that fast.  Can't we just enjoy being together before everything gets complicated?" I ask quietly.

"If thats what you want.  But, you and I both know that the fans will suspect something.  I've figured out release dates of songs before they were released and if I was investigating, I would've figured out that you and Daniel had a thing before it was even a thing.  Good grief, Gen, he gave you his favorite jean jacket and you know how much that man likes his jean jackets.  Just be careful if you want to keep this a secret.  And you know if you make it public, Asher's gonna figure out and when he does, there's no telling what's gonna happen."

"You're right. I had totally forgotten about Asher too and now he's everywhere," I sigh.

He had been appearing on all my explore pages and even my twitter and Spotify.

"At least he hasn't tried to contact you," Isla says.

"Thank goodness for that. I think I would die,"
I say.


"Oh look at that," Zach says, glancing out the window.  "We're entering the city limits of Las Vegas,"

My hands started sweating and I nervously rubbed them on my legs.  It's ok.  I can get through this.  No pressure.  No stress.

"I'm so excited!" Jack says.  "This is my favorite part of the tour because there's so much to do,"

"And I heard that it's sin city, if you know what I mean," Zach says winking.

Everyone rolls their eyes and Zach laughs.

Ok maybe Las Vegas isn't that bad. There's a tree.  It's pretty.  Oh, there's a dog.  AWWW, it's so cute.  There are some rocks.  I don't know what that means but there's rocks.

The outskirts of Las Vegas were pretty but it was as soon as we get to the center, the infamous part of Las Vegas hits me.  Everything was still so familiar.  Everything was burned into my subconscious and all I could remember was the pain behind everything.

This hurt way more than I thought it was going to.  I just need a distraction.

"Hey, guys!" Corbyn said. "Can we go to like a historical landmark or something?"



Third Person

The group went on an extravagant adventure, scouring Nevada as if was the last thing they were ever going to do.

It helped Gen calm down and Daniel was still wondering if she was actually ok. He knew something about Las Vegas didn't sit right with Gen but he didn't want to stress her out by asking, so he didn't.

He just held her hand tightly, sending small squeezes her way just to let her know he cared for her.

Gen appreciated it even though she wasn't sure what it was for but it did indeed de-stress her.

And as of right now, Asher's text was left unopened.

Well because Gen had yet to open her Instagram.

But of course, Asher wouldn't give up. He was always very persistent like that.

He hadn't regretted cheating on Gen, he just wished another scandal could go down so he could go up.

Recently his ratings had been down and he was desperate for the adrenaline rush of him being better than everyone.

His manager had the great idea to stir the pot and try to win back Gen.

Asher knew nothing of the situation with Gen and Daniel and he sent a dozen texts apologizing. He knew that as soon as he apologized, she'd come running back into his arms. What's not to love about a famous pop star, he thought.

"Now we wait," he said, his actual girlfriend peering over his shoulder.

"This girl again?" She whined.

"What about it?" Asher snarled at her.

The girl shrunk back. "Nothing. I just thought you were done with her,"

"I'll be done with her when she had nothing left to give me, but as of right now she can still boost me,"

"What about me? Don't I help?"

"Nat, you do nothing," he said smoothly.

He stood up and left the room, while the girl, Natalie, was frowning slightly.

She really liked Asher.

And right now, Gen was in the way of Natalie having Asher.

Gen was gonna have to leave the picture.


Eek, that's not good.

Welp, hope you enjoy


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