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"What do you wanna watch?" Isla asks me.

I look at up at her and she's holding two movies.  Princess Bride and Beauty and the Beast.  My two favorite movies of all time.

"Wait, you still remember?" I ask, really surprised. We had stopped watching movies together after Asher had cheated on me.

"Of course I do.  How could I forget all those times we re-enacted both those movies at like 2am?" She asks with a slight laugh.

Those times seemed so long ago when social media wasn't a big deal and when I didn't have a care in the world.  I was so naive and didn't even know it, which is like the definition of being naive.

"Let's watch both," I suggest.

"That's what you used to say back then too," she laughs.

"But let's watch-"

"Princess Bride and then Beauty and the Beast," we say at the same time.

I laugh.  "Am I really that predictable?"

Isla shrugs.  "I mean, you have the evidence in front of you.  Aren't your favorite snacks still whales and triscuit?"

My mouth drops open.  "Well yeah, but how do you still remember all of that?"

"I got a great mind, what can I say?"

She gets down on a knee to put the movie in, before grabbing a blanket and putting it over me.  She grabs another blanket and puts it on herself.

We're only a little bit into the movie, when Isla's phone rings.

She looks at the caller, and then picks her phone up.

"I'll be right back," she says, and walks away.

I scrunch my eyebrows.  That was odd.  Isla seemed quite nervous about something but I gave it no mind and I continued watching the film.

Wesley and Buttercup where inside the fire swamp when Isla rushed back in.  She looked deathly pale, and sweat was plastered on her forehead.

"Oh my gosh, Isla, are you ok?" I ask, standing up, the blanket falling to heap on the floor.

She shakes her head.  Why was she so scared.  And more importantly, should I be scared?

"Something...happened....car....Dan..." she stutters.  She sounds like she's having an asthma attack.

My heart drops when I hear the beginning of Daniel's name.

Isla starts sinking to the ground slowly, until she's  on her knees, sobbing.

"Isla!  Isla!  Whatever it is, we can get through it," I plead, kneeling beside her before wrapping my arms around her. She tries to take a few deep breaths before she looks at me, her green eyes.

"It's about Daniel," she says solemnly, tears still running down her face.

I take shallow breaths, trying not to cry.

"What about him?" I ask, my voice shaking really badly.

"He....he..." Isla starts to say before she crumples over.

"Isla!" I scream.  She's passed out. I think she's still breathing. I hope she's breathing. I sit by her side and move her hair out from her face.

She looks peaceful at least but one tear rolls down my cheek. I'm not sure if it's a sad tear, a scared tear, or a mix of the two, but all the emotions are bombarding me at once and I don't know how to handle it.

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