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"So, I'm only here for like three days so we gotta do something," Daniel tells me at breakfast.

We were eating cereal and yogurt with Asher in the bus that morning.

"Any ideas?" I ask.

We were now in Chicago for the next few days since both the boys had multiple shows in this city. Chicago was so green and so beautiful and I was really excited.

"We could go on walks, eat some interesting food, go to some parks. Anything you wanna do Gen, we'll do," Daniel says.

"Awww," Asher gushes.

I laugh on the inside. Ever since Daniel has arrived, Asher has been watching our relationship like his own reality tv show. I'm surprised he didn't bring popcorn around more often because he watched us with the most sad look on his face, which basically said, "I'm really single"

"That sounds really fun. Asher do you have anything to do today?" I ask him.

"Nope. But I don't wanna spend the day with you two love birds so I'll just stay here and watch tv." He promptly picks up his bowl and spoon and carried them to the sink before heading to his room.

I glance at Daniel who's staring at me.

"What?" I ask, feeling nervous under his intense stare.

"You're just so beautiful," he says simply.

I blush furiously.

"Don't get mushy on me Seavey," I warn.

He places his hand on top of mine, rubbing small circles in my hand. "To late. Did I tell you I already chiseled a statue for you? Took me hours. I also have a hundred letters I wrote for you, and if you go outside, I have a mariachi band ready to serenade you," he says jokingly.

I slap him arm gently and look down at the table.

"What did you tell your management? And the guys? Do they even know you're here?"

"I told the guys but I didn't tell Randy, although Corbyn said he'd cover for me so I'm not really worried," Daniel tells me.

I nod. "Well I wanna do something. We only have a few days together so might as well make the most of them,"

Daniel smiles as me before standing up and holding his hand out to me. I graciously take it and we head towards my space in the bus. Daniel has a small backpack in his other hand and he digs out some articles of clothing.

He pulls out a banana bucket hat and some black sunglasses.

"What's that for?"

"Just so I don't get recognized," he informs me, while slipping the hat and glasses on. He looks ridiculous.

I burst out laughing.

"What? I look great," he says. "And it works. No one asks me for pictures and the Hollywood Fix guy never stops me when I'm wearing this,"

"Wow, Daniel. I didn't know you were so famous, that you have to hide in public" I say sarcastically. I feign a look of disappointment.

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