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Corbyn's POV

I sat in one of the few uncomfortable wood chairs in the waiting room. The other boys were beside me, sleeping soundly.  It was now 2 in the morning and Daniel had been admitted in the hospital for about three hours.

No doctor had come out to tell us how Daniel was so my leg was bouncing anxiously and I was just scrolling through my socials.  I wanted to sleep so I didn't stress so much but I couldn't bring myself to fall asleep.  My mind practically wandered from the west coast to the east coast.

I was scared. Scared for Gen but more scared for Daniel. I don't think he truly understood what he had watched. He was pretty delirious when we found him. He had a really big gash on his head and his eye was blacker than night.

Daniel had never really felt this way about a girl before. Sure, he had occasional hook ups at parties but as soon as I saw him with Gen, he was completely different about her. He seemed so in love with her. He was like in his own world and I really hoped that nobody ruined that.

"Corbyn Besson?" A voice asked. I glance up and see a middle age woman looking at me.

"Yes, that's me," I say, standing up and shaking her hand.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Morrison. Are you related to Mr. Seavey?" she asked me.

"No, but we're in the same band, so I'm basically family. Besides, his real family is back in LA,"

"Oh ok, I see. Well, Daniel will be just fine. We're going to give him stitches on his arm and forehead because of his lacerations but we will remove them in about three weeks," she explained. "His ankle is slightly sprained but we'll give him a boot. He can get rid of the boot in a month. Other than that, he'll probably be sore for six weeks but after that he'll be good to go,"

I sighed in relief. It's nothing major.

"Can I visit him?" I asked.

She nods. "He might be really tired but he's awake. Do you want to bring them too?" She pointed at the other three guys on the floor.

"Not yet. But I will when they wake up. They've had a hard day," I said, making my way towards the room Daniel was put in.

Once I locate the room, I entered the tiny space. It's quite silent except for the heart monitor beeping steadily. Daniel's laying on the bed, very still almost as if he's dead.

I slowly approached the bed and looked at him. He looked pretty bad. His face looked so beaten up, I hardly recognized him. His forehead was bandaged up and so was his arm where the doctor had told me he harbored gashes.

Even though his face was severely banged up, I could see a small stream of tears flow out of his eyes and run down to drop on the bedsheet below him.

All of a sudden, he started thrashing and breathing heavily. Not sure what to do, so I pinned both his arms down to the bed, hoping his body would calm down. It worked pretty well, and he started to calm down until he lay pretty still again.

I released his arms and shook his shoulder gently.

"Daniel," I said.

He grabs my arm as hard as he can, which for him isn't that hard, but I was still confused.

"Gen," his voice was raspy as if he hadn't spoken for a year.

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