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i have news

is everything ok?
i swear if he hurt you i'll....

oh my gosh no
i should've known you would think that
everything's ok actually

oh ok
i was scared
what's up

so i have to fake date asher

ur kidding


well ig we're in the same boat

what's up with everyone's managers
making them fake date people?

i hate it here

wish i was with you

i miss you
i wanna give you long hugs

anything else you wanna give me

a kid

slow ur roll buddy

hahah jk
um i wanna give you cuddles

pls elaborate

i wanna stroke ur hair as i rub ur back
i wanna fall asleep as i stare into ur eyes
i wanna stargaze with you
i wanna take you out for dinner
i wanna dance under the stars with you
i wanna hold ur hand tightly
i wanna hold you when ur sad
i wanna wipe ur tears
i wanna kiss ur forehead
i wanna sing to you in the morning
read at 7:26pm

7:35 pm

did i scare you away

oh no daniel
i was just crying
u make me so soft
i hate you

not as much as i hate you

yeah ok brb i'm blocking u

not if i block u first

we're not actually blocking each other right?

no of course not
i love you dummy

wait really


omg omg

not you jumping around bc ur happy

i'm not jumping

all the guys texted me that ur jumping


it's ok
it's kinda cute

i try🙃
can i call you?

right now?


uh sure


My phone started ringing almost as soon as I closed my message app.

I answer instantly and hold the phone up to my ear.


"Hey Gen?"

"Oh hi Daniel. How are you?" I ask innocently.

"We're not doing that generic greeting silly". A sarcastic tone tinges on his voice.

"So why'd you call then?"

"I just wanna hear you actually say it," his voice comes softly through the phone.

"Say what?" I ask.

"Those 3 words,"

"You mean 8 letters?"

"Sure, whatever you wanna call it"

"Hmm, I've heard it's hard to say,"

"At least I don't pull you close and then ask you for space,"

"If all it is is 8 letters why's it so hard to say?" I ask, before letting out a quiet laugh.

The line goes quiet.

"Daniel?" I ask quietly.

"Yes," his voice is barely audible. It sounds like a hushed whisper.

"I....I love you Daniel,"

"I love you too Gen,"


that was so cute.

I love writing Daniel as a soft boi.

Anyways hope you enjoyed


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