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I am miserable.

More miserable than when you're only wearing a t-shirt and that's the day your school decides to turn on the A.C. and all you can do is shiver all day.

My mom noticed. Obviously. When I came downstairs, my eyes were red and puffy from crying, and all I would do is go to the fridge pull out another pint of ice cream.

The reason I was home is because I told Asher what happened and he let me go home for a couple days and then I would meet him on tour for the next city, which was Austin, Texas.

However, I make sure that if I am hanging out with Isla that I always smile. She asks about Daniel more frequently than not, and so I lie about it. I tell her all of the amazing dates he planned and all the things he bought for me. However I have to lie more and say he had all the things because I clearly didn't have a new dog or an expensive watch in my room.

She was none the wiser.

But on the inside, I feel like I am decaying. Slowly. From the inside out. I'm a hollowed shell of the person I once was.

I still keep up with Daniel's life though. As much as I know it's my fault for leaving and I really shouldn't keep pursuing this relationship just to push it away again, I always find myself on his Instagram. He rarely posts now, maybe just because he's busy or because....

Maybe he's just as upset as you are, my mind thinks.

No, he doesn't care about me. He can get any girl he wants. He could get Caroline Davis, who's instagram, by the way, is full of her and Daniel.

They're really an attractive couple, even if it's totally fake, and my heart cracks a little more every time I see another picture of them.

"Hey!" Isla's voice yells at me from downstairs.

I quickly close the app and roll over to look at my open door, Isla running through with a large smile on her face.

"Hey," I say, plastering a fake smile on my face.

"Gen, are you doing ok?" She asks.

Does she know? Oh gosh, I was hoping she wouldn't figure out now. I need more time.

"Yeah...um why?" I ask, hoping she doesn't pry into it.

"Are your allergies getting bad? I see a lot of tissues around your room and I know your mom said that your allergies get bad. Just to let you know, I have Tylenol and some Zyrtec with me," she says holding two bottles up.

I let out a sigh of relief. "Yeah, my allergies are going crazy. I've been blowing my nose all day."

She nods before jumping on my bed.

"Oh my gosh, did you see Jack's new post?" She asks me.

I shake my head.

Isla pulls out her phone and shows me.




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