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Have you ever had your life flash before your eyes? If you haven't, you're really lucky because it is not fun.

Daniel and I were just talking in his car and everything was going perfectly well, and then now we are surrounded by a couple with guns.

Can't a girl get any peace with her boyfriend?

"Open the door," the woman barks at Daniel. I look at his face to see how he's taking this. He doesn't look scared, but I know he's just being strong for me. The thought of that alone, slightly calms my jittery nerves. I discreetly place my hand over Daniel's giving it a gentle squeeze.

"I'd rather not," Daniel replies sarcastically and I bite my lip so I don't laugh.

The woman(I think her name was Lisa) narrows her eyebrows.

"Roll down your windows and get out of the car!"she says way more angrily. She shakes the gun at us, which causes my anxiety to sky rocket. The laughing stops immediately.

"Daniel," I whisper.

He looks at my eyes which are full of tears.

"Please. Let's just get out of the car," I say, as one tear falls down my face.

Daniel's thumb is quick to brush under my eye, catching the tear before it falls farther.

We stare into each other's eyes before glass shatters over Daniel's head.

"Ahhh!" He grimaces, as small shards cut into his skin, small drops of blood forming everywhere.

"Oh my gosh, Daniel!" I cry out.

"It's ok," he assures me. He moves his hair out of his face, allowing me to find many more spots of blood. I know he's not ok but what can I do. I open the glove compartment and pull a few spare napkins out, throwing them at Daniel.

I turn and look at Lisa. "What was that for?" I ask furiously.

"Get out of the car," Lisa says yet again.

"Daniel, let's just get out of the car. Please," I say, hoping Daniel's stubbornness will die down for once.  The fact that he's not listening is making my heart race faster and faster.

"I don't want him.  I want you," she replies. 

"No," Daniel states.

"I'm not taking orders from you," Lisa says.  She looks at me. "Get out!" she hisses.  I shrink back.

"Hey, don't talk to her like that," Daniel says, which causes Tom to point his gun in Daniel's face.

"I wouldn't speak if I were you, son," he says.

Daniel purses his lips.  He then squints at the man.  "Who's going to stop me?  You?"

Oh my gosh Daniel stop provoking the man.

"Who gave you that black eye last time? I can also easily put a bullet in your shoulder.  See how you like that," he retorts.

Daniel looks away and I can tell that comeback got to him.  It was another reminder that he couldn't save me.  He claims that he could've fought him off but that guy was twice Daniel's size. I still gave him a small smile when he said that.

"Tom, we're not here to kill him.  Just get the girl," Lisa tells him.  She moves closer to Daniel.  "Try anything and I won't hesitate to give you another black eye. And a broken shoulder"

Tom nods before staring at me.  I shudder under his stare.  His hands pulls on the door handle and the door swings open.

I pull my legs in tighter to my chest to try to avoid his touch as he starts to lean in closer.

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