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"Good news guys," another voice that isn't Daniel's or mine says to us from the shadows.

Daniel and I look at each other unsure whether we should be scared or happy. But in all the unfamiliarity the voice has a tone of normality.

"We got em!" Zach says poking his head out from beside the car to in front of the shattered window.

A sigh of relief leaves both Daniel and I's mouth.

"I've never been so happy to see you," I say happily.

"Are the rest of the guys here too?" Daniel manages to say.

Zach nods and the rest of the guys heads appear beside his. "Who do you think took out the big guy?" Jack asks.

Zach turns his head. "Are you saying I couldn't have taken him down?" He sounds slightly disappointed.

"No," Jack says.

"Guys, stop fighting. We're here for Gen and Daniel," Corbyn says.

"Wait, Gen what's wrong?  And why is Daniel lying down?" Jonah asks, and I start spontaneously crying.

Corbyn's the only one not stressed by me being upset as he runs toward us, falling to his knees.

"Oh my gosh, guys get over here!" he tells, and the rest of the guys sprint over.

"He got shot.  Jack, Zach apply pressure there," Corbyn says, while Jonah pulls his phone out to call 911.

Corbyn starts pulling at his shirt to get more fabric to staunch the blood spilling out.  Once the amount of blood has considerably lessened, Corbyn starts wrapping Daniel's shoulder up in more cloth.

"Ow," Daniel mutters.

"Sorry.  I'm almost done," Corbyn tells him.

"The ambulance will be here in ten," Jonah tells us.

"Can you understand me?"  Corbyn asks Daniel.

"Yeah, loud and clear," Daniel says but his words are slightly slurring.

"He'll probably pass out soon," Corbyn tells me, to which I give a slight nod.

"Gen," Daniel keeps muttering before his body goes limp. 

Jack checks his pulse.  "He's still alive don't worry,"

Zach walks over to me.  I'm curled up in a ball on the group, sobbing.

"Gen?" He asks gently.

I lift my head and wipe my eyes.  "It's all my fault," I whisper.

"No, it's not," Zach says.

He holds his hands out to me.  I grab them and pull myself up.  Looking at my hands, I see that they're covered in his blood.

I fall into Zach's arms and cry more.

The other boys join me in a large hug and about ten minutes later, the flashing lights draw me away from my warm embrace with the boys.

The ambulance approaches us and two people get out to load him into the back of the vehicle.

Once he's loaded they tell us that we can't ride with him but we can follow behind the ambulance to the hospital.

"How about Jack and Zach go together, and Jonah and I will take Gen?" Corbyn suggests.

Everyone agrees and I nod.  I feel numb.  What am I supposed to do if Daniel's not ok?  If he can never use that arm again.  It'll be my fault and I'll have to carry that guilt my whole life.

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