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I cant bear to watch it.  I don't want to see Daniel tell the whole world that I'm some crazy fan and that he actually has no idea who I am.

"You have to do it," Isla says beside me.  She rubs my shoulder gently.

I nod and take a deep breath.  I open YouTube on my phone and the first video that pops up is the Today Show interview.

My finger hovers over the video.  I hear Isla sigh before she clicks the video.  It opens into a full window.  The set is very drab, with a white backdrop and two chairs.

Daniel sits in one, looking as good as ever.  He looks slightly nervous though.  But then he looks up at the camera, giving a smirk, making my stomach drop to my toes.

"Did he just?" Isla asks catching his sneaky stare.

I suppress a small laugh, nodding before looking at the other chair.

The show's theme music begins playing and an older woman with brown hair walks onto the stage, sitting in the chair beside him.

"Hello everyone, my name is Renata Henry and welcome back to Today Show.  Today we have Daniel Seavey, a famous pop star who grew his following through American Idol and the band Why Don't We.  How are you today Daniel?"

He shifts in his seat before looking at her with a kind smile.  "Hi Renata.  I'm doing really well thank you.  And a big thank you for having me on your show today,"

"Of course Daniel always welcome to come on.  Now I understand that you've been traveling a lot with your band mates?"

He nods.  "That's correct"

"Right and I'm guessing moving around all the time isn't exactly the ideal standard for a relationship?"

He subtly looks at the camera flashing a look of fear as if he doesn't know what to say.  But I know if he denies dating Caroline, his career is good as gone.

But as soon as the look of fear crosses his face, it falls away to reveal a very cheeky Daniel.

"Actually, I haven't been completely honest with you, Renata.  I'm dating someone,"

The crowd audibly gasps and I roll my eyes.

"Her name is..uh Caroline Davis," he says giving slight wince at the end.  You wouldn't notice it unless you were me and you studied Daniel a lot but it was there none the less giving me slight hope that he wasn't completely satisfied with her.

"The famous model?" Renata fakes shock.

"Yes, we've been dating for a few weeks now.  Um...best weeks of my life," he states.  He says it very matter of factly.

"Well according to my sources, there was another girl named Genevieve Scott.  Witnesses said you hung out with her and were seen with her," Renata says.

Daniel briefly looks at the screen, then looks at Renata with no facial change.

"Renata, I'm a singer.  I have fans and I meet a lot of them everyday.  Of course I hang out with them.  Does that mean I'm romantically involved with them?  No.  If I'm going to be honest, I don't remember her at all," he says.

Ok that wasn't so bad.  It kind of hurt but I can get through that.

Renata ponders the thought before nodding and moving on.

The interview drags on for another twenty minutes before Renata bids farewell to the tv, a snicker ad popping up.

"That wasn't so horrible right" Isla asks me.

I nod.  "At least now I'm out of the public eye,"

She laughs slightly as my phone rings.

I glance at the caller id and see that it's Daniel.  I spin the phone around to show Isla.

"Hey I gotta take this I'm so sorry,"

She waved her hand at me as if it's no big deal.  "Yeah of course. Call your boyfriend,"

I walk away, clicking the answer button.

"Hey," I say softly.

"Were you watching?" He asks sadly, sounding as if I had died.

"Yeah.  It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be," I assure him, hoping that he realizes I'm not to upset by it.

"I'm glad.  If felt so bad to lie," he says.

The line goes quiet as we try to think of things to say.

I hear a cough on his side before his voice fills the phone.

"Is Asher treating you ok?"

"Um he's tried to talk to me but I don't talk back. I just try to avoid him if I can," I say.

"Good, because if he touches you wrong, I swear I'll..." his voice trails off as he mutters something incoherent.

"Daniel!  Calm down.  He's not going to hurt me, I promise," I say, surprised at how upset he got in a few moments.

"Hmm," he says gruffly.

I roll my eyes.  Protective Daniel Mode was on, and it was funny to witness.

The door all of a sudden opened and Asher walks in.

"Hey Gen!" He says and I look at him.  I quickly hang up on Daniel.

"Um hello?" I say.

"So I just saw Daniel on the Today Show and he said he didn't know who you were.  So clearly you were just faking that whole relationship with him for fame.  I mean, look at you and then look at Caroline.  Now she's hot," he says.

"You're accusing me of being a clout chaser?  I'm not the one who made a whole breakup video for fame!  Not to mention that video was filled with lies!" I shout.

"Yeah but if you were going to try to expose me, who would have more people on their side?  Oh right, me.  Because no one likes you Gen," he says.

I'm disgusted by this pig.

"So I'm going to fix that.  I'm going to make you more famous as my girlfriend than Daniel Seavey's girlfriend," he says.

"What?" I yell.  "Girlfriend?  Are you crazy?  I'm never going to date you," I say in disgust.

"This contract says otherwise."


well that's a strange turn of events

Anyways hope you enjoyed


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