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wow this is the last chapter.  i made this extra long for y'all:)


The sun shines brighter today.  Or maybe it's just because everything is finally ok.  Daniel and I are together and everyone is perfectly aware this time.

Apparently, Daniel and Asher schemed together the Today Show plan, Asher being super gracious and letting Daniel use his private jet to fly to the location of the Today show set.

Speaking of Asher, I told him about his parents and he ended up having to call the police on them and then they were arrested. Because of that Asher was terribly upset and I left Daniel to spend time with him. Even though we were exes, I still cared for him very much as he was a big part of my life.

"What are you thinking about, angel?" Daniel's voice interrupts my train of thought.

"Oh nothing.  Just everything that's going on," I say and he nods thoughtfully.

"We've been through some stuff," he agrees and I laugh.

Daniel's tour is still going on and after the week with Asher, I'm planning on rejoining and finishing the tour with him. I'm excited where this tour will take us.

Daniel smiles at me through FaceTime.  He's lying down on his stomach, his face really close to the camera.

"I can't wait for you to join me on tour," he says.

"Don't you mean the guys?" I ask.

"Last time I checked, I'm dating you not them," he says, with a hint of jealousy.

"Aww, is somebody jealous?" I ask.

Daniel scoffs and sits up slightly, moving farther away from the camera.

"No," he says with a pout.

"Poor baby. It's gonna be ok," I say in a baby voice.

"Shut up," he says angrily and I laugh. He's to cute.

We sit in silence for a few seconds before he starts speaking again.

"So when are you going to meet up with me?" he asks.

I look back at Asher, who's passed out on the couch. He had just finished his third tub of ice cream that night and I'm pretty sure he wanted to knock out two more.

I turn back to face my phone, Daniel raising an eyebrow at me.

"I don't know. He's in terrible shape. I mean, how would you feel if you found out your parents kidnapped your ex girlfriend?" I ask, lowering my voice so I don't disturb Asher.

Daniel shrugs. "Ok I guess I would feel really upset. And I know his mental health is important to you, so stay as long as you need," he says sweetly.

I give him a big smile to which he also smiles. Smiles are so infectious and Daniel's is no exception.

We say our goodbyes and hang up and I'm left in quiet silence.

Suddenly, something stirs behind me.

"Just go, Gen. Go to your boyfriend," Asher says in a tired and hollow voice.

I stand up and walk over to Asher. He looks like a mess. His hair is messy and it looks like he hasn't moved from his bed in days.

"No, Asher. You're not ok. You're in horrible condition and I'm going to stay here until you look like yourself again," I say.

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