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Gen's POV

"We're going on tour with them?" I repeat, shock still evident on my face.

Isla nods slowly. "Yeah, didn't Daniel tell you?"

I shake my head.

"That's weird. They all told me," Isla says.

I sigh and take my phone out, calling Daniel.

He picks up on the second ring.

"Hey, angel,"

All the angry things I would've said melt away and I almost forget what I'm talking about.  Why is it so hard to be mad at him?

"Hey, Daniel. Is it true I'm going on tour with you?" I ask.

I can almost see Daniel's face change instantly to serious face.

"Did Isla tells you?" He asks slowly, as if choosing his words carefully.

"I'm not mad," I say. Anymore, I add. "I'm just confused why you didn't tell me,"

"Well, I wanted it to be a surprise," he says.

"Oh, and when were you planning to reveal that?" I ask.

"Well, probably when I saw you next I was going to tell you. I already contacted your parents and they said it was ok, and I asked Isla if she thought you would be ok with it, and then I had to tell her about us, but after some screaming she seemed to be ok. And then she gave me a long speech about how if I broke your heart, she'd rip my hair out piece by pieces and then slowly tear my skin off my body and then cut off each finger and toe and make a necklace, so I'm scared of her now," he says, giving a small awkward laugh.

I smile.  Isla is really sweet, but when it comes to relationships, she's hardcore.  That is definitely something Isla would say and probably do.

"You'll be fine.  Isla most likely will not do that," i say, and can hear Daniel's sigh of relief.

"She'll do more than that," I say, and the noise on Daniel's side of the phone stops.

A wait a few moments.  "I'm kidding,"

A huge breath is released from Daniel.  "Gen, that's not funny.  I was really scared for a second,"

"As you should be because breaking my heart is a serious allegation," I say.

"What about you breaking my heart?"

"Not possible; you're to cute,"

"Well, I could say the same for you," he retorts and I snort.

"Oh please that's not possible.  You're definitely cuter than I am,"

I hear shuffling on the other side of the phone.

"Hey, I have to go," Daniel says.  "But we will continue this discussion later,"

"Ok," I sigh, and look at my fingers.  "Bye," I say.

I can almost see him smile as he says bye and hangs up.

Man, he's just to cute for his own good.

I look at Isla. 

"I guess we're going on tour with them," I say and Isla screams.

She yanks me into a hug while she's jumping and crying.

"Oh my gosh!  I never thought my friend would be dating Daniel Seavey and I would be going on tour with the Why Don't We boys! Ahhhhh,"

"We're not dating, Isla" I say rolling my eyes.

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