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The drive was miserable and the flight even more so.  Asher insists that I sit by the window and him beside me.

The window helps but it reminds me of flying with Daniel for the first time.  How I wish I could be in that moment than this one.

I can see Asher looking at me warily, as if he's not sure what I'll do, whether that be scream, cry, or even murder someone. Instead I keep glancing out the window, trying not to hyperventilate.

"So..." he starts awkwardly. "How've you been?"

I look at him and furrow my eyebrows. "That's what you wanna know?"

He nods.

I sigh. "Asher why am I even here? We parted ways two years ago. I moved on. You should too"

"But I don't want to move on. I love you," he says and I grit my teeth.

"You can't say that! You cannot say you love me when you cheated on me!" I say slightly louder than before.

"It was a mistake!"

"A 6 month mistake? Yeah right". I scoff.

He rests his hand on my arm rest close to my arm and I move towards the window.

"Look I'm really sorry but I'm willing to fix this. I can buy you anything you want" he says.

"How about a ticket back home?"

"I cant do that," he says. "You're in my contract,"

I bite my lip to stop me from saying something I'll regret and I keep staring out the window. I keep hoping maybe when I turn it'll be Daniel beside me instead of Asher, but every time I glance back, it's Asher.

After about ten minutes, Asher has fallen asleep and I sigh with relief, pulling my phone out.


Daniel's POV

I'm about to strangle Caroline.

Ok that came out a little aggressive.

She's like a koala.  Sure koalas are cute but they are basically glued to a tree to stay cool.

I'm the tree in this scenario.  She never leaves my side and if we're out in public, her arms are either wrapped around me or her hand is clasped in mine.

The press is eating this up. I'd already chewed it and puked it back.  I didn't want to be in this situation.  I rarely had time to myself.  I got maybe an hour everyday for silent solitude without Caroline.  Usually, during those times, I found myself looking at Gen's instagram.


She's an angel.  My angel.

Those were the thoughts that graced my mind during a daytime stroll with the koala.

I could see Felix hiding behind a car.  I wish he'd just come up and get the filming over with.  I mean, I get it.  I sometimes watch the other famous people's videos on Hollywood Fix but I have my own life.  No need to film me all the time.

Caroline has a few bags on her arm and she leisurely swings them back and forth.

"So wanna go back to your house?" She asks.

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