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Gen's POV

It's Daniel.







Daniel looks like a deer in headlights, with his eyes wide.

I don't know how to react.

I feel betrayed and hurt as to why he didn't tell me who he was. Daniel had never kept secrets from me but now I figured out he kept the biggest secret of all from me.

That hurt. A lot. I hadn't known Daniel long but he'd always been super open and now I felt lied to and dirty. I felt like I was covered in mud and I couldn't clean it off.

I couldn't take this. I can't be in the same room as him.

Tears flood in my eyes as I turn and sprint out the door.

I run without thinking. I run past rooms and people who are looking at me weirdly. I wipe the tears away so I can see as I sprint farther into the building.

After minutes of running, I come to a stop, panting and still crying.

I need to hide so if anyone tries to follow me, they can't.

I look around, and I finally spot a tiny space that I could easily crawl into and no one bigger than me could follow me.

I get down on my knees and slowly crawl in realizing that it's deeper than I expected so hiding should be a lot easier.

At least one thing's going right.


Daniel's POV

I watch Gen turn and run away.

My heart tears in two.

i didn't mean for her to find out like this.

I wanted it to be more private. Instead, I had waited until the most public moment available. And I had screwed it up.

I look at Jack who's staring back at me with an award expression.

"Well, you better go after her. I'll cover for you," he says, and I nod and run after her, thanking him on my way out.

I run not knowing where I'm going, but people are pointing in the direction she ran so I follow her.

Dang, girls run fast when they are upset.

Finally, I come to a dead end and I'm wondering where the heck she could have gone.

I hear faint sniffling and I know she's somewhere around here.

I look more closely to see a small opening that I'm pretty sure I won't fit in, but I know she's in there.

I lay on my stomach and can see her foot. She crawled pretty far in there.

I start to crawl inside and Gen wipes her tears and looks at me, her upset face molding into anger.

"What are you doing here?" She says.

"I wanted to make sure you're doing ok," I say, although it sounds so fake, I cringe.

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